
Mixed questions


Question: Age when you come of age
Answer: What is 18

Question: Name of the girl the narrator was in love with in "The Importance of getting My License"
Answer: What is Mary

Question: Something the young couple saw in the sky at the end of "The Importance of Getting My License"
Answer: What is a shooting star

Question: Country where young men and boys were dicing with death in the text we've read
Answer: What is South Africa

Question: American state where the text "The importance of Getting My License" takes place
Answer: What is Vermont


Question: Name of the boy who killed a girl in "Only the good die young"
Answer: What is Yummy

Question: Name of powerful organisation which makes it almost impossible to change the gun laws in the USA
Answer: What is the NRA

Question: Name of a part of a big Ameircan city where a group of prople - e.g. black people - are concentrated
Answer: What is a ghetto

Question: Thing that Patrick Sonnier is forced to wear at his execution, which he finds very humiliating
Answer: What is a diaper

Question: Name of a group of prisoners who are chained together in an American prison
Answer: What is a chain gang


Question: present perfect (før nutid) of the verb FLY
Answer: What is flown

Question: Name of the girl telling her story in "How I Beat Bulimia"
Answer: What is Sophie

Question: The English expression for "Jeg glæder mig til at se dig"

Question: Age of Terry Cabudol in the text "I'm a Teenage Mother and I Love My Child"
Answer: What is 17

Question: The English word for the word class these words belong to: BIG - BLUE - TALL
Answer: What is an adjective


Question: On top of a christmas tree
Answer: What is a star

Question: Colour of Rudolphs nose
Answer: What is red

Question: Lit and put on the chritmas tree
Answer: What are candles

Question: Bird on the tabel in most English homes on Chritmas day
Answer: What is a turkey

Question: Entrance to a house for Santa Claus
Answer: What is a chimney


Question: The longest river in the world
Answer: What is The Nile

Question: Name of the place in New York where the twin towers stood
Answer: What is Ground Zero

Question: Last name of the school caretaker at this school
Answer: What is Holck

Question: Name of a very famous Ameircan singer who released a new album three days ago
Answer: what is Beyoncé

Question: Famous musician killed by a crazy fan outside his home in New York in 1980
Answer: What is John Lennon