
Semester 1 (2)

cell stuff

Question: tells the cell what to do
Answer: nucleus

Question: what does photosythesis produce (2 answers)
Answer: oxygen and sugar (glucose)

Question: cell wall's job description
Answer: protects and supports the plant cell

Question: captures the sun's energy in the plant cell
Answer: chloroplast/chlorophyll

Question: What is the outcome at the end of mitosis?
Answer: 2 new daughter cells that are identical to parent cell

hodge podge

Question: Which variable is measured during an experiment?
Answer: dependent variable

Question: independent variables, dependent variable, data, and controlled conditions.... oh my
Answer: must be in an experiment

Question: These can change as new scientific evidence is found.
Answer: theory/theories

Question: cellular respiration produces
Answer: carbon dioxide

Question: What does a plant cell have that animal cells don't have?
Answer: chloroplast and cell wall


Question: maintaing stable internal condition
Answer: homeostasis

Question: felis concolor and felis domesticus are members of the same level of organization
Answer: genus

Question: The 2 part naming system used by Linneaus, known as binomial nomenclature uses which levels to name living things?
Answer: genus and species

Question: levels of organization of living things in order from smallest to largest
Answer: atom/element, molecule/compound, cells, tissue, organ, organ system

Question: describe species
Answer: organisms that can reproduce and their offspring can reproduce

mixed up

Question: single celled organism
Answer: unicellular

Question: multicellular organisms have these type of cells that perform a job
Answer: specialized cells

Question: has specialized cells and are larger than unicellular organisms
Answer: multicellular organisms

Question: organisms are classified by their ______________
Answer: their characteristic

Question: substance that cannot be broken down into smaller simpler form
Answer: element/atom

and more

Question: Which organisms have groups of cells that work together? unicellular or multicellular?
Answer: multicellullar

Question: If a cell is unable to maintain homeostasis, what could happen?
Answer: cell will die or be unable to reproduce

Question: What theory did you study this year that changed and took hundreds of years to develope?
Answer: Cell Theory

Question: What cell process helps make new bone cells?
Answer: cell cycle/ cell division/ mitosis

Question: photosynthesis produces ______________ ; respiration produces __________________
Answer: oxygen; carbon dioxide