
Ch 15 Joaquin Ferreyra


Question: What was Popular Sovereignty?
Answer: Idea that political power belongs to the people.

Question: What was the Wilmot Proviso?
Answer: A document stating that neither slaver nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of the territory.

Question: What is sectionalism?
Answer: Favoring interest of one section or region over the interest of the entire country.

Question: What was The Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Answer: Plan that would divide the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase into two territories—Kansas and Nebraska—and allow the people in each territory to decide on the question of slavery. 

Question: What was the Republican Party?
Answer: Political party united against the spread of slavery in the West. 

Section 1

Question: Why did sectionalism increase in the U.S in the late 1840s?
Answer: Because of the Wilmot Proviso made them separate into regions thoughts.

Question: How was Texas affected by the Compromise of 1855?
Answer: Texas had to give up New Mexico in exchange for financial aid.

Question: What concerns had the northerners have about the Fugitive-Slave Act?
Answer: That northerners couldn't help slaves escape if not they would be in prisoned.

Question: What was Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Answer: It was an anti slavery novel 

Question: Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Answer: Harriet Beecher.

Section 2

Question: Who won the election of 1853?
Answer: Franklin Pierce.

Question: Who proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Answer: Stephen Douglas

Question: What problem caused the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Answer: It caused disputes because it would eliminate the part of Missouri compromise that said that slavery was restricted to the north of 36 30 line.

Question: What was the Pattowatomie Massacre?
Answer: It was when John Brown and his men killed five pro-slavery men in Kansas.

Question: What did Preston Brooks do to Charles Sumnmer?
Answer: He attacked him 

Section 3

Question: What was the Republican Party?
Answer: A political party that united against the spread slavery in the West.

Question: Who was Roger B. Taney? 
Answer: He was the chief of justice.

Question: What did Abraham Lincoln warned? 
Answer: That the next court rouling what he called the next Dred Scott decision would prohibit states to ban slavery.

Question: What was the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
Answer: When Lincoln challenged Douglas.

Question: What was the Freeport Doctorine?
Answer: It was that the police had to enforce the voters' decision if it contradicted the supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case.

Section 4

Question: What was the John Brown's raid?
Answer: It was when John Brown and his men took over the arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in hopes of starting a slave rebellion.

Question: What was the Constitutional Union Party?
Answer: It was recognized "no political principles other than the Constitution of the country, the Union of the states, and enforcement of the laws.

Question: What did John J. Crittenden proposed?
Answer: He proposed a series of constitutional amendments that he believed would satisfy the South by protecting slavery.

Question: What states formed the Confederate States of America?
Answer: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. 

Question: How was the confederate states of America also called?
Answer: Confederacy.