
gen micro test one 2013

Chapter One

Question: Which of the following individuals is considered to be the “Father of Microbiology”?
Answer: Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Question: The microorganisms that usually live on or within a person are collectively referred to as
Answer: indigenous microflora.

Question: Microorganisms that live on dead and decaying organic material are known as
Answer: saprophytes.

Question: The study of algae is called
Answer: phycology.

Question: Which microorganisms are considered obligate intracellular pathogens?
Answer: rickettsias, chlamydias, and viruses

Chapter Two

Question: A millimeter is equivalent to how many nanometers?
Answer: 1,000,000

Question: Assume that a pinhead is 1 mm in diameter. How many spherical bacteria (cocci), lined up side-by-side, would fit across the pinhead.
Answer: 1,000

Question: What is the length of an average rod-shaped bacterium (bacillus)?
Answer: 3 µm

Question: What is the total magnification when using the high-power (high-dry) objective of a compound light microscope equipped with a × 10 ocular lens?
Answer: 400

Question: How many times better is the resolution of the transmission electron microscope than the resolution of the unaided human eye?
Answer: 1,000,000

Chapter Three

Question: Molecules of extrachromosomal DNA are also known as:
Answer: plasmids.

Question: A bacterium possessing a tuft of flagella at one end of its cell would be called what kind of bacterium?
Answer: lophotrichous

Question: One way in which an archaean would differ from a bacterium is that the archaean would possess no:
Answer: peptidoglycan in its cell walls.

Question: Some bacteria stain Gram-positive and others stain Gram-negative because of differences in the structure of their:
Answer: cell wall.

Question: Of cell membrane, chromosome, mitochrondria, and plasmids, which one is not found in procaryotic cells?
Answer: mitochondria

Chapter Four

Question: Which one of the following steps (assembly, biosynthesis, penetration, or uncoating) occurs during the multiplication of animal viruses, but not during the multiplication of bacteriophages?
Answer: uncoating

Question: Which diseases or groups of diseases is caused by prions?
Answer: “mad cow disease”; Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease of humans; chronic wasting disease of deer and elk

Question: Most procaryotic cells reproduce by:
Answer: binary fission

Question: The group of bacteria that lack rigid cell walls and take on irregular shapes is:
Answer: mycoplasmas.

Question: At the end of the Gram staining procedure, Gram-positive bacteria will be:
Answer: blue-to-purple.

Chapter Five

Question: A protozoan may possess any of the following (cilia, flagella, hyphae, or pseudopodia)except:
Answer: hyphae.

Question: Which of the following statements about algae and fungi is/are true?
a. Algae are photosynthetic, whereas fungi are not.
b. Algal cell walls contain cellulose, whereas fungal cell walls do not.
c. Fungal cell walls contain chitin, whereas algal cell walls do not.
Answer: all are true

Question: A lichen represents a symbiotic relationship between which pairs?
Answer: an alga and a fungus

Question: If a dimorphic fungus is causing a respiratory infection, which of the following might be seen in a sputum specimen from that patient?
Answer: yeasts

Question: Which one of the following is not a fungus?
a. Aspergillus
b. Candida
c. Penicillium
d. Prototheca
Answer: D. prototheca