
7 Semester 1 Review 2


Question: made of characters called runes
Answer: Viking alphabet

Question: one who is in submission to a lord
Answer: Vassal

Question: an oath of true loyalty and submission
Answer: Fealty

Question: a grant of land given in exchange for loyalty and military support
Answer: Fief

Question: 1347-1352
Answer: time period during which a widespread plague called the Black Death killed a quarter of Europe’s population


Question: Against whom was the First Crusade fought?
Answer: Seljuk Turks

Question: What was the crowd’s response to the Pope’s call for a Crusade?
Answer: God wills it!

Question: 1096-1099
Answer: the years the First Crusade was fought

Question: Woman important in helping the French win the Hundred Years’ War.
Answer: Joan of Arc

Question: Initiated the Crusades
Answer: Pope Urban II

100 Years War

Question: What two countries struggled for control during the Hundred Years’ War?
Answer: France and England

Question: What weapon helped the English to have an advantage over the French in the early battles of the Hundred Years’ War?
Answer: Longbow

Question: This thriving commercial area in northern France, producing wool cloth from wool supplied by England sided with the English in the Battle of Crecy
Answer: Flanders

Question: A battle won by French, who were able to drive the English from this French city under the leadership of the young peasant girl, Joan of Arc. After this victory, the French were able to win the Hundred Years’ War.
Answer: Orleans

Question: 1337-1453
Answer: The dates marking the beginning and ending of the Hundred Years’ War

Early Lights

Question: Who published the Greek New Testament?
Answer: Erasmus

Question: Who translated the Latin Vulgate into English?
Answer: John Wycliffe

Question: Who invented the printing press?
Answer: Johannes Gutenberg

Question: To what does the principle of “Sola Scriptura” refer?
Answer: Scripture alone provides truth for salvation

Question: Translated the Bible for Greek and Hebrew to English
Answer: William Tyndale

Explore and Renaissance

Question: Ferdinand Magellan
Answer: Set out to circumnavigate the world

Question: Amerigo Vespucci
Answer: First to find the “New World”; America named after him

Question: Giovanni Verrazano
Answer: Explored North America looking for a Northwest passage

Question: Sculpted Pieta
Answer: Michelangelo

Question: Painted the Mona Lisa
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci