
Paramedic 1

Key terms

Question: Study of the actual internal and external structures of the body.
Answer: Anatomy

Question: Known as the "anti-dumping" law; legislation seeks to prevent hospitals from turning away patients, either by denial of care and treatment or through inappropriate transfers to other facilities.
Answer: EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986

Question: Defined boundaries for professional practice.
Answer: Scope of practice

Question: Open text field(s) that allow for recording of information deemed important by the clinician.
Answer: Narrative

Question: The termination of the EMS professional-provider relationship prior to the appropriate transfer of care.
Answer: Abandonment


Question: The EMS professional's legal duty to treat a patient in accordance with EMS regulations and standards of care.
Answer: Duty to Act

Question: Consent for medical treatment that is given after the patient has been fully educated.
Answer: Informed consent

Question: Consent for medical treatment that is assumed for a patient who is unable, by reason of illness or injury, to grant informed consent.
Answer: Implied consent

Question: Consent for medical treatment that is made on behalf of a patient by legal process.
Answer: Involuntary consent

Question: The failure, resulting in harm or injury, to perform an expected duty.
Answer: negligence


Question: The chemical messengers released by endocrine glands.
Answer: Hormones

Question: Controls the body's physiology including hunger, thirst, fluid balance, and body temperature and controls the pituitary and other glands.
Answer: hypothalamus

Question: Stimulation to the thyroid gland that produces an extreme hypermatabolic state and increase activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Answer: Thyroid crisis (storm)

Question: The organ responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels, by measuring and releasing hormones to correct the levels.
Answer: pancreas

Question: The extension of the sympathetic nervous system that releases epinephrine and norepinephrine as hormones during fight-or-flight responses.
Answer: adrenal medulla


Question: Substances cross the cell membrane through diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, or filtration.
Answer: Passive transport

Question: Substances cross the cell membrane through active transport pumps, endocytosis, or exocytosis.
Answer: Active transport

Question: Primary function of this organ is to monitor cirulating blood, and stimulated immune response.
Answer: Spleen

Question: This is found in the skull, clavicles, vertebrae of the spinal column, sternum, ribs, and pelvis and the long bone epiphysis and also produces RBC's/
Answer: Red bone marrow

Question: A part of the motor system which controls smooth and cardiac muscle in organs and glands. Output is involuntary.
Answer: Autonomic nervous system

Nervous system

Question: The spinal cord is located in a hollow tube running inside the vetebral column from the foramen magnum to the pointed structure at L2.
Answer: Conus medullaris above the cauda equina

Question: The spinal nerves involved in neck, under the sternocleidomastoid muscle and supplies skin, muscles of the neck and shoulder, and diaphragm.
Answer: C1-C4

Question: Stroking the lateral sole of the foot that shows the reflex of big toe dorsiflexion and the other toes fan out, indicates a central nervous system lesion or a critical patient.
Answer: Babinski reflex

Question: An autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks and destroys acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. Eye muscles, chewing, swallowing, or talking are often affected first.
Answer: myasthenia gravis

Question: An infection, usually from viruses or bacteria, of the meninges, the lining of the brain and spinal cord which can be potentially fatal.
Answer: meningitis