
SSLS Test Prep


Question: You have worked the problem out and your answer is not there.  BEFORE marking Not Here, you should....
Answer: 1. Rework the problem to see if you get the same answer.  
2. Check your numbers....did you copy correctly? 
3. Did you use the correct operation? 
4. If you still get the same answer, then mark "Not Here".

Question: True or false:  You may only have one sheet of scrap paper, so use it VERY wisely.  
Answer: False.  You may have as much scratch paper as you need.  Studies have shown that kids who take the time to solve the problems on paper, do MUCH better than those that do the problems in their heads, or guess at the answers. 

Question: If you have to add fractions and your answer is not there, what should you consider BEFORE answering "Not Here"?  

1/6 +   2/6   =   ???      3/6 is NOT there....now what?  

Answer: Look at reducing your fraction to lowest terms.  3 and 6 are both divisible by 3 so another name for 3/6 is 1/2.  

Question: If a math problem says "how many groups of" what operation should you use?  (Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) 
Answer: Multiplication 



Question: What color is the best color to wear on test day?  
Answer: Yellow.....bright yellow stimulates the mind and makes you think more clearly.  Wear yellow on test day! 

Question: What key things should you consider having at your desk during the test?  
Answer: An extra sharpened pencil.  
A water bottle to keep hydrated.  Drink some during the test. 
A kleenex for nose troubles.  
Scrap paper to use for working out problems. 

Question: What strategies can help you before the test even begins?  
Answer: Getting a good night's rest the night before. 
Eating a healthy breakfast the morning of the test. 
Thinking positively about all the hard work you have done this year and now you get to show it! 

Question: Can you skip a problem you don't know?  
Answer: Yes, but remember to go back and give it another try before you close your test booklet.  Maybe looking at it after you have had a rest from it, will help you see it in a new way.  


Spelling / Grammar

Question: I don't know the word?  What is a strategy I can use to figure it out?  
Answer: Change the vowel to short.  
Change the vowel to long. 
Look for vowel teams that I know. 
Any sneaky e's? 

Question: I don't know the answer to this problem about grammar.  What can I do?  

The girls ___________ down the street.  
runs      done ran      ran       will done be ranned 

Answer: Try all the options.  Choose the one that sounds the best. 

Question: What is this vocabulary word?  I have never seen that in my life.  What do I do?  

The kiterdoo soared high above the rooftops in the gale force winds. 
Kiterdoo is probably like a:  

Answer: Look for clues in the sentence that might help you understand.  

Question: How many syllables is the word hypodermic?  How can you do it without clapping? 
Answer: Tap your ear....no one will hear you, but you will hear the syllables.  

hy    po    der     mic     (four) 



Question: Before you read a selection, you should.....
Answer: Turn to the question section and know what you are reading FOR BEFORE you read the passages. 

Question: You don't know a word.  No matter how you try, you can't get it.  What would be a good strategy to figure out what the word means? 
Answer: Read on in the sentence and see if the CONTEXT helps you understand the meaning better. 

Question: If you have read the selection and you don't know an answer, are you allowed to look back at the story?  
Answer: Yes, you can scan the passage before you read it, you can re-read it for answers, you can even re-read it AFTER you finish the test to see if a second reading will change your mind about an answer. 

Question: Normally, we mark up a selection with highlighters, arrows, and underlines.  However, we cannot write in our test books.  What CAN we do that might help us?  
Answer: Jot down names, places, vocab words, main ideas, connections we had with the story, etc.  



Question: A good strategy to remember during the listening portion of the test is to ______________ when the teacher is reading the passage. 
Answer: Jot down some basic notes to remember specifics like order of people in a line, days of the week, people's names. 

Question: As the teacher is reading the stories, if you are NOT taking notes, you should be.....
Answer: looking at her so you can concentrate on what she is saying. 

Question: What could a good listener do with their eyes to focus their energy? 
Answer: Close them and try to focus on what the test giver is saying and NOT anything else in the room. 

Question: How could a picture or a mnemonic device (ASAP) help you remember details? 
Answer: It gives you a quick way to remember information.  

ASAP (as soon as possible) 
RATS (Raegan, Amelia, Tara, and Sam were in line) 
