
415 Midterm Review

Linguistic Facts of Life

Question: In which writing system does 1 character = 1 syllable
a. alphabet
b. IPA
c. syllabary
d. logography
e. anagram

Answer: c. syllabary

Question: These describe what speakers DO do with language:
a. Prescriptive Rules
b. Phonological Rules
c. Descriptive Rules
d. Morphemic alternations
e. Morphemic suppletions

Answer: c. Descriptive Rules

Question: Which of the following is an example of a prescriptive rule?
a. Place the subject of the sentence before the object
b. Use -ed to form past tense verbs
c. Use 'He' as subject pronoun and 'Him' as object pronoun
d. Never capitalize the names of cities 
e. None of the above

Answer: e. None of the above

Question: TRUE or FALSE: Writing is a more recent historical development than speech.

Answer: a. TRUE

Question: Which of the following is an example of an iconic sign?
a. the English alphabet
b. the Hindi word for 'pear'
c. a baby crying
d. tone in Mandarin
e. all of the above

Answer: c. a baby crying

Design Features

Question: Design features distinguish
a. iconic and non-iconic signs
b. meaning and form
c. human and animal communication systems
d. sound and meaning systems
e. none of the above

Answer: c. human and animal communication systems

Question: TRUE or FALSE: Design features exist in every human language.

Answer: a. TRUE

Question: Which is NOT a possible mode of communication?
a. Musical
b. Auditory
c. Vocal
d. Manual
e. All of the above

Answer: b. Auditory

Question: TRUE or FALSE: In most animal communication systems, the signal code is innate.

Answer: a. TRUE

Question: Which sign is transparent?
a. the sun setting
b. 'soon' as [sun]
c. daffodil meaning flower
d. 'pero' meaning but
e. 'Sincerely' written on a letter

Answer: a. the sun setting


Question: IPA allows us to provide
a. word structure
b. syllable structure
c. 1:1 relationship between sound and meaning
d. 2:1 relationship between sound and meaning
e. all of the above

Answer: c. 1:1 relationship between sound and meaning

Question: Which of the following is a ‘lever,’ or parameter our mouths use to make consonants and vowels?
a. diphthongization
b. syllabification
c. place of articulation
d. aspiration
e. All of the above

Answer: c. place of articulation

Question: Which written English word best demonstrates the need for a phonetic alphabet?
a. though
b. bet
c. dog
d. even
e. none of the above

Answer: a. though

Question: Which is a type of information encoded by a spectrogram? 
a. Derivative morphemes
b. Inflectional morphemes
c. Frequency 
d. Meaning 
e. All of the above

Answer: c. Frequency

Question: Which feature does Hindi have to create morphemes that English doesn't?
a. affixation
b. nasality
c. aspiration
d. diphthongization
e. none of the above

Answer: c. aspiration


Question: The correct way to write a phonological rule is: 
a. [ ] → / / / ___ 
b. / / → [ ] / ___ 
c. [ / → [ ] / ___ 
d. ___ → [ ] / __ 
e. None of the above

Answer: b. / / → [ ] / ___ 

Question: Which of the following is an allophone we have studied in English?

a. [ɾ] for /t/
b.  [ʃ] for /m/
c. [ð] for /o/
d.  [ɹ] for /y/
e. [j] for /y/

Answer: a.

Question: Which of the following is not a minimal pair in English?
a. sun and buns
b. lit and lot
c. never and lever
d. clothes and those
e. see and saw

Answer: a. sun and buns

Question: Which is a 'sound in the mind'?
a. allophone
b. phoneme
c. minimal pair
d. affixation
e. derivation

Answer: b. phoneme

Question: Which is based on a phonological system?
a. word structure
b. tone differences
c. foreign accent
d. speech vs. writing
e. all of the above

Answer: c. foreign accent

BONUS (Morphology)

Question: Which is an inflectional affix in English?
a. -less
b. -ful
c. pre-
d. -en
e. de-

Answer: d. -en

Question: A morpheme is defined as
a. the basic unit of meaning in a L
b. the basic unit of sound in a L
c. the basic unit of a phoneme in a L
d. the basic unit of the sentence in a L
e. None of the above

Answer: a. the basic unit of meaning in a L

Question: Lexical categories can also be defined as
a. bound or free morphemes
b. roots or stems
c. compound structures
d. parts of speech
e. affixation processes

Answer: d. parts of speech

Question: Which represents affixation?
a. go --> went
b. see --> saw
c. dog + house --> dog house
d. am --> was
e. fix --> fixed

Answer: e. fix --> fixed

Question: Derivational affixes typically
a. can be memorized
b. change the lexical category
c. permit grammatical change
d. can be added in any order
e. none of the above

Answer: b. change the lexical category