
Scholastica, Revolutionary War


Question: Which colony was settled by debtors and criminals
Answer: Georgia

Question: Which colony was settled by William Penn and the Quakers
Answer: Pennsylvania

Question: Roger Williams settled which colony
Answer: Rhode Island

Question: Thomas Hooker settled here after he was force to leave Massachusetts
Answer: Conneticut

Question: This colony was originally founded by the Dutch
Answer: New York

Early Years

Question: The pilgrims landed here
Answer: Plymouth

Question: The first permanent English settlement which was led by John Smith was here
Answer: Jamestown

Question: The French and Indian war was fought over which territory
Answer: The Ohio valley

Question: What lands did the French lose at the end of the French and Indian war
Answer: All of  Canada and lands east of the Mississippi

Question: What fort did George Washington attempt to take from the French during the French and Indian was
Answer: Fort    Duquesne

England's taxes

Question: Why did the English begin to tax the colonies
Answer: The English were poor because of the cost of the French and Indian war and other wars in Europe

Question: This Act was a tax placed upon every newspaper, bill, or court paper in the colonies.
Answer: Stamp Act

Question: The colonists refused to pay the tax, and England sent more troops to the colonies.  A fight began and 5 colonists were killed.  This skirmish is known as
Answer: The Boston Massacre

Question: After the killing of the 5 colonists, England cancelled all taxes except for one.  Which tax remained
Answer: The Tea Tax

Question: How did England respond to the Boston Tea Party revolt
Answer: They closed the Boston Harbor and refused to let supplies into Massachusetts

People of Revolution

Question: This man was put in charge as the commander of minutemen
Answer: George Washington

Question: This man rode at midnight to wake the colonists to tell them that the British soldiers were attacking
Answer: Paul Revere

Question: This man is the King of England at the time of the Revolution
Answer: George III

Question: This man said "Give me liberty or give me death"
Answer: Patrick Henry

Question: This man was the president of the Continental Congress
Answer: John Hancock

Hodge Podge

Question: The shot heard around the world was fired in what town? (the first battle of the revolution}
Answer: Lexington

Question: The colonial arms and ammunition were being secretly stored in this town
Answer: Concord


