
DNA to Proteins

DNA Identification

Question: What did Griffith inject into mouse first, and what affect did it have on the mouse?
Answer: live S bacteria; death

Question: In Griffith's second experiment, what did he inject into the mouse and what effect did it have on the mouse?
Answer: live R bacteria, life or none

Question: In Griffith's third experiment, what did he inject into the mouse and what effect did it have on the mouse?
Answer: heat killed S bacteria, life or no effect.

Question: Summarize Griffith's fourth experiment.
Answer: Injected heat killed S and live R bacteria, killed mouse

Question: In Hershey and Chase's experiments, what molecule was "tagged" that was inside the phage that was also found inside the host bacterium?
Answer: DNA


Question: Describe the shape of DNA
Answer: double helix or twisted ladder or spiral staircase

Question: Tell how DNA bases pair up using letters for the bases
Answer: A with T; G with C

Question: Name the bond that holds two bases to each other.
Answer: hydrogen

Question: Name the bond that holds together the DNA backbone

Answer: covalent

Question: Name the three parts of a nucleotide.
Answer: deoxyribose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base.

DNA copied

Question: Name the process of DNA copying.
Answer: Replication

Question: Where does DNA copying take place?
Answer: nucleus

Question: During what specific part of the cell cycle does replication take place?
Answer: S, or synthesis 

Question: What is the first step of replication?
Answer: DNA unzips

Question: Name the molecule that helps to make DNA by adding nucleotides.
Answer: DNA polymerase


Question: Name the three molecules in the central dogma.
Answer: DNA to RNA to protein

Question: What molecule is made in transcription?
Answer: RNA 

Question: Tell how RNA bases pair.
Answer: A with U; G with C

Question: Besides base pairing, name one way RNA is different from DNA.
Answer: RNA has ribose and is a single strand; DNA is deoxyribose and double strand.

Question: Name the molecule that adds nucleotides to make RNA.
Answer: RNA polymerase

Protein making

Question: Name the protein making process.
Answer: Translation

Question: Name the three types of RNA in the process of translation.
Answer: mRNA, tRNA, rRNA

Question: Name the bond that holds proteins together.
Answer: peptide

Question: What is the three nucleotide sequence for an amino acid called?
Answer: codon

Question: Name the two parts of the tRNA molecule.
Answer: amino acid and anticodon