
8th Reading: Semester 1 Vocab Review


Question: Which word means "to carry out business"?
Answer: transact

Question: What does the word "alternate" mean?
Answer: used in place of another; substitute

Question: Which word means "friendly" or "pleasant"?
Answer: amiable

Question: "Lasting a long time" refers to what word?
Answer: perennial

Question: The word part "ann" means...
Answer: year

War and Writing

Question: Which word means "written list of sources"?
Answer: bibliography

Question: What does the word "belligerent" mean?
Answer: waging war; hostile

Question: Which word means "having good effects"?
Answer: beneficial

Question: "Resistance to authority" refers to which word?
Answer: rebellion

Question: The word part "graph" means...
Answer: writing

Forward and Together

Question: The word "abbreviate" means...
Answer: reduce in length; shorten

Question: Which word means the "maximum amount able to be held"?
Answer: capacity

Question: Which word means "to go forward"?
Answer: proceed

Question: What does the word "concession" mean?
Answer: the act of yielding something

Question: What does the word part "com" mean?
Answer: with or together


Question: "To honor the memory of" refers to which word?
Answer: commemorate

Question: What does the word "biography" mean?
Answer: a life story written by someone else

Question: What word means "a date that occurs every year"?
Answer: anniversary

Question: _________________ is the study of human culture or relationships.
Answer: anthropology

Question: What does the word "menacing" mean?
Answer: threatening

Word Parts

Question: What does the word part "bene" mean?
Answer: good or well

Question: What does the word part "ology" mean?
Answer: study of

Question: What does the word part "bell" mean?
Answer: war

Question: What does the word part "ami" mean?
Answer: love

Question: What do the word parts "ceed" and "cess" mean?
Answer: yield or go