
Phrasal verb jeopardy

Question: The plane _______ at 2pm this afternoon.
Answer: takes off

Question: NCG is _________ new teachers.
Answer: taking on

Question: She ________ her coat because she was too hot.
Answer: took off

Question: I'm going to_______ yoga because I feel stressed.
Answer: take up

Question: The bigger company ________ the smaller company because it was in the red.
Answer: took over

Question: My alarm ___________ at 6am every morning.
Answer: goes off

Question: The internet __________ yesterday so we couldn't play the online game.
Answer: went down

Question: A bomb _________ in the city centre last week.
Answer: went off

Question: ________! I want to hear the end of the story!
Answer: Go on

Question: Can we ________ the grammar again because I don't understand it.
Answer: go through

Question: Do you want to_________ for dinner?
Answer: come over

Question: I __________ an old friend at the cafe yesterday.
Answer: came across

Question: I can't come to class because something important has ________.
Answer: come up

Question: It's been raining all day, I wish the sun would ________!
Answer: come out

Question: Can I ________ the class?
Answer: come in

Question: He_______ at midnight last night.
Answer: got in

Question: She still hasn't _________ the flu.
Answer: got over

Question: We can't _________ without the internet.
Answer: get by

Question: I can't __________ because the line is busy.
Answer: get through

Question: They _______ very well
Answer: get on

Question: You can ________  to the hotel from 12pm.
Answer: check in

Question: You must ________ (submit) your homework by Monday.
Answer: hand in

Question: I feel very sad because my boyfriend _________ (ended the relationship) with me.
Answer: split up

Question: She was too shy to _______(participate)
Answer: join in

Question: Sorry, I ________ (finished) all the coffee.
Answer: used up