
Inner Planets Quiz 7 Green


Question: What gasses are in Earth's atmosphere?
Answer: Oxygen, Nitrogen, and other gasses such as Carbon Dioxide and Argon

Question: What two things makes Earth a habitable place for life as we know it?
Answer: Earth contains water and oxygen.

Question: What are the percentages of gasses in Earth's atmosphere?
Answer: 20% Oxygen, 79% Nitrogen, 1% inert gasses and Carbon Dioxide.

Question: What planet is around the same size as Earth's moon?
Answer: Mercury

Question: How far above the Earth is its atmosphere?
Answer: 60 miles or 100 KM


Question: How big is Mercury compared to another celestial body you know?
Answer: About the size of Earth's moon

Question: Is the planet Mercury growing in size?
Answer: No, it is shrinking.

Question: Does Mercury have a permanent atmosphere? Explain
Answer: Mercury does not have enough mass to create the gravity to hold onto an atmosphere. The sun evaporates sodium on the surface of the planet and traces can be found above the surface in a "temporary atmosphere."

Question: In what two places would you find water on Mercury?
Answer: There is water in the form of ice and water vapor... Ice in the craters of the two polar ice caps and in water vapor in the atmosphere.

Question: Name two facts about Mercury's core:
Answer: Mercury's core accounts for 60% of its mass and it is semi-molten. The core is twice the size of Earth's core, which is especially large considering the small size of Mercury as a planet.


Question: How is Venus similar to Earth?
Answer: It has a similar in internal structure, same mass, size and same density. Venus is sometimes called Earth's twin.

Question: What does the presence of Carbon Dioxide cause on Venus?
Answer: The Greenhouse Effect.

Question: What does the Carbon Dioxide in Venus's atmosphere do to its atmospheric pressure? (In comparison to Earth)
Answer: The Carbon Dioxide makes the atmospheric pressure on Venus 90 times great than that of Earth.

Question: Why do scientists believe a massive object once struck Venus long ago?
Answer: Venus rotates and it rotates east to west, the opposite direction from most other planets.

Question: Why do scientists think that Venus rotates East to West?
Answer: Scientists think that maybe a large object struck Venus billions of years ago and caused the planet to change direction in rotation.

Inner Planets

Question: What is another name used to describe the Inner Planets?
Answer: The Terrestrial planets

Question: What two planets in the inner solar system have atmospheres?
Answer: Earth and Venus.

Question: Why are the inner planets sometimes called the terrestrial planets?
Answer: The Latin word "terra" means Earth - and the Inner Planets all are small, dense and have rocky surfaces. They are Earth-like.

Question: How are the Inner Planets alike? List four ways.
Answer: The four Inner Planets are small and dense, have metallic cores and solid crusts.

Question: What does the Latin word "terra" mean?
Answer: "Earth"


Question: What percentage of the Earth's atmosphere is Oxygen?
Answer: 20%

Question: What gas in Venus's atmosphere contributes to great atmospheric pressure?
Answer: Carbon Dioxide

Question: What percentage of the Earth's atmosphere is Nitrogen?
Answer: 79%

Question: What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Answer: Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere traps heat. Because Venus is closer to the sun than Earth, the radiation from solar energy that reaches the surface is given off as heat but the carbon dioxide traps the heat so well that Venus has the hottest surface of any planet.

Question: What gas causes the Greenhouse Effect?
Answer: Carbon Dioxide