
Europe History Review


Question: Who was the leader of Russia that wanted to bring western ideas today Russia?  He began the building of St. Petersburg and encouraged art and painting as well as architecture to be like western Europe.
Answer: Peter the Great

Question: Who was the German monk that began to question many of the Catholic church ideas?  
Answer: Martin Luther   
(Not King Jr.)

Question: This ruler overthrew her own husband and become the czarina of Russia.  She expanded the empire while also building schools and encouraging art works to be created in Russia.
Answer: Catherine the Great

Question: He was a Renaissance man that was known for his writing, sculpting, art, and inventions.  He is very well known for the "Mona Lisa" painting.
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Question: Who was the famous writer that wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
Answer: William Shakespeare


Question: In what country did the Renaissance begin?
Answer: Italy

Question: What controversial event sparked the beginning of the Renaissance?
Answer: The Crusades

Question: If someone asked you what the Renaissance was, what would you tell them?
Answer: A rebirth of interest in art and learning.

Question: During the Renaissance, people began to focus less on religion and more on improving the "human" world around them.  What was this idea known as?
Answer: Humanism

Question: One of the big changes during the Renaissance was in items of value.  During the Middle Ages, how much land you owned determined your wealth.  As a result of the Renaissance, wealth was now based on what?
Answer: money or goods


Question: Poor farmers with little freedoms and rights.
Answer: Serfs

Question: Rich people in Russia that oftentimes owned land.  
Answer: Nobles

Question: Give me two things that most of the czars were very well known for during their reign.
Answer: Expanding the empire.  Treating the serfs very poorly.  Slow to become like western Europe.

Question: Russia's czars were very powerful.  They were often cruel to the people.  Someone could argue that their leadership is what leads to large, powerful nations.  Does Russia's history and their current country today prove this statement to be true?
Answer: Yes.  They are the largest country in the world.  They have a powerful military.  
Maybe No.  Their standard of living is low.  People are not as happy as a result of the lack of freedoms for so many years.

Question: Russia was ruled by an autocratic government.  Describe what this meant and how the Romanov family proved this was true.
Answer: Leaders came into power automatically.  The Romanov family ruled for over 300 years without the people getting to choose their leaders.


Question: This revolution changed the way things were made.  
Answer: Industrial Revolution

Question: What were two of the causes that led to the revolution in France?
Answer: High taxes.  Wasted money on wars and to support the King/Queen's fancy living.  Food shortages.

Question: Describe the changes that took place in production as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
Answer: Prior to the IR things were made by hands.  After the IR things were being made by machines.

Question: Give me two results of the French Revolution
Answer: Removed the king.  Constitution made citizens equal.  Did NOT bring peace.

Question: What negative impact did the Industrial Revolution have on England?
Answer: It caused the air and rivers to become polluted.  


Question: What invention helped people learn more about the Bible?
Answer: Printing press

Question: What did Martin Luther do to help people read the Bible for themselves?
Answer: Translated into German.  (Their language)

Question: What was the name of the Catholic church's response to the reformation?  
Answer: The counter reformation or Catholic Reformation

Question: What were the Catholic church selling to the people as a way to receive forgiveness of their wrongdoings?
Answer: indulgences.  

Question: What church began as a result of the reformation?
Answer: Lutheran.  Protestant.