
Unit 3 Group c

Personal Apperance

Question: to avoid hurting your patient and carrying bacteria, your nails should be....
Answer: short and rounded

Question: should be avoided. can cause injury to patient, transmit germs, and pathogens
Answer: jewelry

Question: Sally is going to start working at the hospital. She will be on her feet for at least 75% of the time, Sally should invest in.....
Answer: shoes with good support

Question: Mrs Austin was admitted to the hospital, the time she was there; the nurse was terrible. Mrs Austin wants to report her name but the nurse did not have her.....
Answer: name badge

Question: Alice works at a rehab facility, the dress code is pastel colors. Alice wants to wear her favorite red scrubs. She is going against 
Answer: facility dress code


Question: Janae is the dictator of the group and makes all the decisions of the group
Answer: autocratic leader

Question: Believes in non-interference in their affairs of others
Answer: Laissez-faire leader

Question: 3 types of leadership
Answer: democratic leader, laissez-faire leader, autocratic leader

Question: Lets go around the table and get everyone's ideas so we can all make a decision
Answer: democratic leader

Question: As a department, we decided to take in atleast 6,000 homeless people and help them, this shows....
Answer: works with group and guides toward a goal

Personal Characteristics

Question: The doctor is really good at being tolerant with the patient
Answer: patience

Question: The Relles family just lost a loved one, The docter is listening to them and taking in consideration of the patients feelings 
Answer: empathy

Question: Jason told Dr Smith confidential information. Dr Smith had good judgement 
Answer: discretion 

Question: Dr Johnson wasn't able to summit his paperwork on time due to a family emergency. One of his teammates; Dr Arnao helped him summit it
Answer: dependability 

Question: Dr Murphy is going to be in charge of his own team. He has never done it before and does not know many techniques but will try his best to gain knowledge
Answer: willingness to learn

Personal Good Health

Question: The healthcare workers muscles are tightening and aching from the way hes been sitting over a period of time
Answer: good posture

Question: When Thomas became a nurse, he had hours he was not used too. Thomas kept falling asleep during the job. So he sets up a sleeping schedule to maintain.....
Answer: adequate rest

Question: 3 daily food choices that should be avoided to maintain good diet
Answer: fats, oils, sweets

Question: Everyday, Sally has been doing her cardio in the morning and would clock into work energized 
Answer: exercise 

Question: Layia has had a difficult time to make decisions because her bad decisions with her drugs she prescribed herself
Answer: abuse of drugs


Question: Two forms of communication
Answer: verbal and non verbal

Question: body language, touch, gesture, posture
Answer: non-verbal communication

Question: the message is not clear because the receiver does not understand what the message is
Answer: communication barrier

Question: Mr Jones was explaining to his nurse how much pain he was in using....
Answer: verbal communication

Question: Sydney is nodding her head no but verbally saying yes
Answer: sending mixed signals