
Interview Skills


Question: T/F: You should always arrive early for an interview.
Answer: True

Question: T/F: It is OK to chew gum at an interview.
Answer: False

Question: T/F: You should slouch while in your interview.
Answer: False

Question: T/F: You should find out as much as possible about the job before the interview.
Answer: True

Question: T/F: It is not polite to ask questions about the business. 
Answer: False

Preparing for an interview

Question: Why should you research the company before going to an interview?
Answer: To show that you are interested and care about the company

Question: Show how you should walk into an interview if the door is closed.
Answer: Knock on the door, enter with a smile, and introduce yourself

Question: When answering a question, what should your eyes be doing?
Answer: Looking at the person you are talking to

Question: Give Ms. Chester an example of what types of clothes you should wear to an interview.
Answer: Dress pants, button down shirt, skirt, dress shoes etc

Question: If the interviewer extends their hand to you, what should you do?
Answer: Give a firm hand shake

After an interview

Question: When leaving the interview what should you do?
Answer: Shake their hand and say "Thank you"

Question: After leaving the interview room, should you contact the person who interviewed you at all?
Answer: Yes, send a thank you note or a follow up email

Question: How will you know if you got the job?
Answer: Someone from the job will contact you.

Question: How will you know how much you are going to get paid?
Answer: When you are given the job, you can ask that question OR you can ask that question in your interview.

Question: Should you only apply at one place if you really need a job?
Answer: No. Applying in more than one place can increase the odds that you will get a job.

Dress Code

Question: Is it OK to wear sneakers at an interview?
Answer: No

Question: Is it OK to wear jeans to an interview?
Answer: No

Question: Should you wear your prom dress to an interview?
Answer: No

Question: What should you do if all the clothes you own have a stain on them?
Answer: Ask to borrow a friends or family members or go buy a new outfit. Do not wear clothes with stains to an interview.

Question: Should you worry about what your hair looks like? 
Answer: Yes. It needs to be clean and brushed/combed. 


Question: Show Ms. Chester an appropriate volume to answer your questions in.

Question: Show Ms. Chester an appropriate speed to answer your questions in.

Question: When asked a question, should you answer it based off of what your resume says?
Answer: No. You should answer using real life experiences. They can read your resume. 

Question: How would you answer: What are your strengths?

Question: How would you answer: Tell me about a time you worked together as a team to complete a task.