
Ch. 7 Jeopardy Game Adrian Peña

Sec 1

Question: What is the Judiciary Act of 1789?
Answer: Created three levels of federal courts and defined their powers and relationship to the state court.

Question: What expectations did the Americans have of their new government?
Answer: High expectations 

Question: Electoral college?
Answer: A body of electors who represent the people's vote in choosing the president.

Question: Action that later serves as an example
Answer: Precedent

Question: First president of the United States and Vice President 
Answer: President: George Washington 
Vice President: John Adams

Sec 2

Question: Why did Jefferson oppose the creation of the bank?
Answer: He said that it would give the federal government to much power and that they need permission from Congress

Question: Hamilton wanted a strong central government and that people should have a balanced power with the people, did Jefferson agree? Explain why or why not
Answer: He did not because he said that not every person is well informed and it could damage the U.S

Question: How many did the U.S owed in the national debt?
Answer: $11. 7 million to foreign countries and $40.4 million to U.S citizens.

Question: What charge did Jefferson have in the national government?
Answer: Treasury Secretary

Question: What were the higher tariffs that Hamilton wanted to pass called? And why did he pass them?
Answer: Protective tariffs, he did that to increase the price of foreign countries so that people would by local products and help the economy.

Sec 3

Question: Who were the people that argued the most about why was the government putting on whiskey tax?
Answer: Farmers since most of the could not afford paying those taxes.

Question: What did President Washington do to stop the Whiskey Rebellion?
Answer: He send 13,000 men of the army to stop them, protesters fled and the Rebellion was stopped with no violence.

Question: Who did President Washington give the command of the army?
Answer: Anthony Wayne

Question: What was the rebellion of the French against their king in 1789 were the French overthrew their king and created a federal government called?
Answer: French Revolution 

Question: What was the proclamation that the U.S would not take part of sides with any European countries that were at war called?
Answer: Neutrality Proclamation

Sec 4

Question: What two political parties emerged before the elections of 1796?
Answer: Federalist Party and Democratic Republican Party

Question: What did the French demand for a bribe?
Answer: The XYZ affair

Question: Documents that argued that the Alien and Sediction Acts were unconstitutional
Answer: Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Question: Who were the people who helped found the Democratic Republican Party and the Federalist Party?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson and James Madison the Democratic Republican Party and Alexander Hamilton the Federalist Party

Question: Who became the second president of the United States?
Answer: John Adams


Question: What is a precedent?
Answer: Is an action or decision that later serves as an example

Question: How is the money owned by the United States?
Answer: Nation debt

Question: What is loose construction?
Answer: Means the federal government can take actions if he Constitution doesn't specifically say you can't

Question: What is strict construction?
Answer: Means the federal government can't take actions without permission in the Constitution

Question: What are privateers?
Answer: Private ships hired by a country to attack its enemies