
Skeletal System


Question: How are bones classified?

Answer: By their shape. 

Question: What do you call the ends of a developing bone?
Answer: Epiphysis

Question: Bones serve as storage, for what?
Answer: Mineral salts, calcium, phosphorus. 

Question: What is the attachment of muscles to bones?
Answer: Tendons

Question: What is also known as the growth plate?
Answer: Epiphyseal plate

Joint Movements

Question: What is dorisflexation?
Answer: Bending a body part backwards.

Question: Demostrate rotation.
Answer: Moving a body part around a central axis

Question: Explain cranial suture.
Answer: No joint cavity is in place so no movement is permitted.

Question: Demonstrate protraction and retraction. 
Answer: Protraction: Moving a body part forward 
Retraction: Moving a body part backward 

Question: Describe circumduction.
Answer: moving a body part in a circular motion 

Types of Fractures

Question: Which fracture does not involve a break in the skin, completely internal break?
Answer: Closed, or simple.

Question: Which is break in the distal portion of the radius? 

Hint: mainly caused by reaching out to a cushion fall.

Answer: Colles 

Question: In whom is vertabal compression found the most? Why?
Answer: Mainly seen in elderly women.

Question: Draw a greenstick fracture.
Answer: Image result for greenstick fracture

Question: What fracture is usually the result of a fall?
Answer: Hip fracture.

Combining Forms

Question: What is dactyl/o?
Answer: Finger or toe.

Question: What does the combining form in maxillary mean?
Answer: Jawbone.

Question: Break apart osteomalacia and give its definition.
Answer: oste/o- bone
-malacia    softening

softening of the bones

Question: Break apart rheumatoid arthritis and define it.
Answer: rheumat    discharge 
-iod        resemble 

arthr      joint 
-itis       inflammation 
Definition: chronic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the bones

Question: What does the combining form myel/o mean?
Answer: Bone marrow.


Question: What is arthroscopy?
Answer: Process of examining internal structures of a joint via an arthroscope.

Question: What is patellar?
Answer: Pertaining to the patella; the kneecap.

Question: What is a corticosteroid?
Answer: Steroid substance with potent anti-inflammatory effects. 

Question: What is the abbreviation of traction and what does it mean?
Answer: Tx; process of drawing or pulling on bones or muscles to relieve displacement and facilitate healing.

Question: What does NSAIDs stand for?
Answer: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.