
Leighannas trivia

Fun questions

Question: The more I dry the wetter I become
Answer: A towel

Question: I'm bigger than a flea I'm bigger than a bee you can unlock a door with me
Answer: A key

Question: If you find me on the ground with my head up you'll get good luck
Answer: A penny

Question: I smash scissors and paper covers me 
Answer: Rock

Question: If you step out of he bathroom and people laugh at you, you probably have this stuck to your shoe
Answer: Toilet paper

Fun questions

Question: Find something that's back  and white and read all over
Answer: A newspaper

Question: If an adventure is what you want take a look I'm a ......
Answer: Book

Question: I blow in the wind and drop in the fall
Answer: A leaf

Question: If you skin your and feel bad stick me on and you'll be glad

Answer: A bandage

Question: Fill me up all the way but be sure to take me out or I'll stink the next day
Answer: Trash bag

Fun questions

Question: Cows swallow this blade but it's not sharp or metal
Answer: Grass

Question: I'm on your left and right hopefully not too tight
Answer: A shoe

Question: I make Mark's wherever I go I shrink as your ideas grow
Answer: A pencil

Question: I'm by the sink and I make your hands not stink 
Answer: Soap

Question: Free space
Answer: Free space

Scavenger hunt

Question: T.v that is the farthest 
Answer: Logan's and Ethans 

Question: Lined paper 
Answer: Wherever you get it from

Question: Remote for a DVD player
Answer: Girls or boys

Question:  2 in 1 bottle of conditioner 
Answer: Idk

Question: Free space 
Answer: Free space


Question: Timmys 
Answer: December 13th

Question: Dads
Answer: October 28th

Question: Aaliyahs
Answer: February 23rd

Question: Leighannas 
Answer: November 7th

Question: Christmas 
Answer: December 25h