
Goodbye 9 X2


Question: What is a mutation?
Answer: A change in the DNA

Question: What is an enzyme? State one factor that affects the enzyme activity.
Answer: A biological catalyst.
pH, temperature affect the enzyme activity.

Question: Describe briefly how vaccines work.
Answer: A weakened or dead form of a pathogen is injected in your body. The white blood cells produce antibodies. The antibodies easily kill the pathogen. The memory cells will remember the pathogen if it is found in your body again, killing it without showing any symptoms.

Question: Why do we use DNA fingerprinitng?
Answer: Identifying the culprit
Genetic counselling
Maternity/ paternity tests

Question: What tests would you perform if the following are found in a crime scene:
fibres from clothing
a blood sample
an object that has been touched

fibres from clothing - use of microscope to examine the fibres
a blood sample - DNA fingerprinting
an object that has been touched - examination of fingerprints


Question: What is a catalyst?
Answer: A chemical that speeds up reactions without being used up.

Question: State two uses of nanoparticles.
Answer: Bandages that detect infection
Manufacturing of strong sports equipment
Delivering a drug to cancer cells

Question: What is a hydrocarbon? State an example of hydrocarbon.
Answer: A molecule that only contains hydrogen and carbon.
e.g. methane, ethane, propane

Question: Describe briefly the gold foil experiment by Rutherford. Whatw as the conclusion of the experiment?
Answer: Alpha particles were fired at gold foil. Some rays passed through, but others were deflected back.
That made Rutherford think that there is positive charge 'concentrated' in the middle of the atoms, while the rest is just empty space.

Question: How would you identify an unknown substance found in a crime scene, that has:
a weird smell
bits of a solid in it?

Answer: Filtrate the solution to separate the solid. Evaporate any water present by heating it up. Testing with universal indicator or litmus paper.
Extension: use of paper (if it is coloured) of gas chromatography


Question: People believed in the geocentric model. What evidence change this notion?
Answer: The retrograde motion

Question: What are the three types of ionising radiation? What are their symbols?
Answer: Alpha

Question: State three uses of the three types of ionising radiaton.
Answer: Alpha - smoke detectors
Beta - making paper
Gamma - sterilising equipment, treating cancer, diagnosing cancer, detecting leaks in pipes

Question: What is the efficiency of a kettle that transfers 50J of thermal energy when supplied with 150J of electrical energy?
Show your work. Give the result as a percentage.

Answer: efficiency = (useful energy output / total energy input) x 100
efficiency = (50/150)x100 = 33.4%

Question: Why do scientists peer-review their work?
Answer: To improve their investigations, to compare their results, to make sure their results are valid and the investigation is reproducible.


Question: Draw the symbol of a thermistor.

Question: Write all planets in our Solar system with the correct order from the Sun (closest to the Sun --> furthest from the Sun).
Answer: Mercury

Question: What are fossil fuels? Why is there a need to use alternative energy sources?
Answer: Coal, oil and natural gas are fossil fuels. They are energy sources are formed after the remains of biological organisms. Fossils fuels form after millions of years and we run out of them, that is why we need to come up with alternative energy sources.

Question: Write the word and symbol equation of the combustion of methane.
Hint: formula for methane CH4


Question: QWC
Describe how gas chromatography works.

Answer: The sample is injected into the gas chromatography instrument. The carrier gas (usually helium) carries the sample into an oven. The mixture flows through a tube, in a polymer column and they are heated up -hence, evaporating. 
The different substances in he mixture move at different speeds in the polymer column. The detector detects the type of substance present, producing a gas chromatogram.

SUPER challenge

Question: Who should get an award for being the awesomest pupil in Science?
a) Logan
b) Chloe
c) Iman

b) Chloe !!!

Question: Who should be on a verbal warning ALL THE TIME in Science just to behave?
a) Christian
b) Sohail
c) Samuel

Answer: c) Samuel

Question: Who is more naturally curious about Science?
a) Monroe
b) Sobayda
c) Christian

Answer: c) Christian

Question: Whose voice is likely Miss Keloglou has never heard at all in Science?
a) Basmala
b) Tia
c) Liana

Answer: c) Liana

Question: Who is likely to study medicine in 5 years?
a) Adreece
b) Simran
c) Aby

Answer: c) Aby