
Chpt 15 Social Studies

Section 1


After its victory in the Mexican War, the United States gained a large amount of land known as the Mexican Cession. How did political leaders in the 1840s propose to answer the question of whether or not to ban slavery in this territory?

The political leaders proposed to use popular sovereignty in whether the new territories would have slavery or not.


Who proposed the Compromise of 1850? What effect did the Compromise have on the future of slavery in the nation’s capital?

Henry Clay proposed the compromise of 1860. The compromise stated that California would enter the Union as a free state, and since Mexico was divided into two territories- Utah and New Mexico- where the question to allow slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty.

Question: What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
Answer: The fugitive slave act made it a crime to help runaway slaves a s allowed officials to arrest those slaves in free areas.

Question: How did Harriet Beecher Stowe’s writings affect the antislavery movement in the United States?
It affected the the antislavery movement because Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote about the cruelties of slave and how they were really treated for northerners to know.

Question: What was the wilmot proviso?
Answer: A document stating that "no slavery or involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of the territory".

Section 2


How was the government in Kansas affected by the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It affected the government because the act stated that the people in the territory to decide on the question of slavery.

Question: What new political party was formed by Whigs, Democrats, Free-Soilers, and other abolitionists after the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Answer: The republican party was formed.

Question: Who was Dred Scott?
Answer: Dred Scott was an enslaved man who went to court for his complex case.

Question: What was the significance of the Dred Scott decision?

 It was about a man name Dred Scott who sued for his liberty and how the court reacted ans solved his problems

Question: What was the Kansas-Nebraska act?
Answer: A plan that would divide the remainder of the Louisiana purchase into two territories- Kansas ans Nebraska- and allow the people in each territory to decide on the question over slavery.

Section 3

Question: What was the main issue discussed at the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
It was mostly arguments about whether the country would stay a slave state or free state.

Question: What did John Brown hope to accomplish by launching an attack on Harpers Ferry, Virginia?
He hoped to start a slave rebellion

Question: What effect did John Brown’s raid have on southerners in the United States?
They felt threatened by the actions of brown. They worried that a John Brown the second might attack.

Question: Why was Abraham Lincoln successful in the election of 1860?
Answer: Because he gave really good speeches and encouraged free states to vote for him to end slavery

Question: What was the constitutional union party?
Answer: It recognized "no political principles other than the constitution of the country, the union of the states, and the enforcement of laws.

Section 4

Question: What happened to the political power of the South after the election of 1860?
Answer: They left the union and formed The confederate states of america with all the slave states.

Question: What reasons did the South give for seceding from the Union?

They felt threatened because of John Browns actions

Question: What were the main points of Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address in 1861?
That he opposed the idea that southern states could leave the Union because they were unhappy with the government's position on slavery. He also said that his government would not provoke a war.


What states seceeded from the union to form the Confederate States of America?

Answer: Slave states: Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, florida, and Alabama.

Question: Who was elected president of the Confederate States of America?
Answer: Jefferson Davis was elected president pf the confederate states.




