
hamilton, scholastica

George Washington

Question: He was from this state
Answer: Virginia

Question: This was Washington's first job
Answer: Surveyer

Question: What war did Washington first fight in for the English
Answer: French and Indian War

Question: Where did Washington stay with his troops throughout the harsh winter during the Revolutionary War
Answer: Valley Forge

Question: Where was the last battle of the Revolutionary War fought
Answer: Yorktown

Alexander Hamilton

Question: Hamilton fought in the last battle of the Revolutionary war. Name this battle
Answer: Battle of Yorktown

Question: How did Hamilton die
Answer: He was killed in a duel

Question: Hamilton called a meeting with the other states to make a new government. What was this meeting called
Answer: Continental Coongress Constitutional Convention

Question: Hamilton represented the Convention as a delegate from which state
Answer: New York

Question: He served for President Washington as what
Answer: Secretary of Treasury

Thomas Jefferson



Question: He wrote a small book full of little bits of information called
Answer: Poor Richards Almanac



Benjamin Franklin

Question: What city and state was Franklin born in
Answer: Boston Massachusetts

Question: What job did Benjamin do for his brother
Answer: He was a printer

Question: Franklin wrote an article and signed a different name to it. What did he sign
Answer: Silence Dogood

Question: What did Benjamin Franklin invent to keep buildings safe during storms
Answer: The lightning rod

Question: Benjamin Franklin signed the treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. What is this treaty called
Answer: Treaty of Paris

Samuel Adams

Question: He was born here
Answer: Boston, Massachusetts

Question: He was angry about a new tax that England placed on the Colonies. What was this tax
Answer: Stamp act Tax

Question: Samuel Adams was also angry about another tax on paper, tea, glass, etc. What was this tax called
Answer: Townshend Acts

Question: Samuel Adams helped to plan a revolt against the new tax on tea. He helped to plan what?
Answer: Boston Tea Party

Question: Because of all of his help with the revolt against England, Samuel Adams is sometimes called by this title.
Answer: Father of the Revolution