
Made to Stick


Question: What is an example of the "Gap Theory of Curiosity"?
A. An invisible chemical in your home may be killing you!
B. Which class member was on Chopped?
C. Which local restaurant had slime in the ice machine?
D.  All of the above

Answer: D.  All of the above.

Question: What is the best way to KEEP someone's attention?
A. Surprise them
B. Confuse them
C. Interest them
D. Rapid fire answers

Answer: C.  Interest them

Question: What is the best way to get someone's attention?
Answer: Surprise them.

Question: What is wrong with using gimmicks to get people's attention?
Answer: Gimmicks are not connected to the core message.

Question: What does it mean to "break someone's guessing game?"
Answer: Provide a surprising answer to a question.


Question: Why did people believe the story about bananas contaminated with flesh eating bacteria?
Answer: It came from credible sources.

Question: What is an anti-authority? 
Answer: Someone who tells a compelling story. 

Question:  When buying shampoo, whose recommendations do people find more credible?
A.  A close friend
B. A television adverstisement
C. A newscaster.
D. A celebrity

Answer: A.  A close friend.

Question: Why is The Boyfriend's Death story so credible?
Answer: It uses realistic details.

Question: What is the Sinatra test?
Answer: When one example is enough to establish credibility.


Question: Why are fables so effective?
Answer: Because they make an abstract concept concrete.

Question: How do Asian teachers teach math?
Answer: They use concrete examples or problems to teach abstract concepts.

Question: What is the Velcro Theory of Memory?
Answer: The more hooks you provide, the better the memory will stick.

Question: What is the difference between an expert and a novice?
Answer: The expert has the ability to think abstractly; the novice focuses on concrete details. 

Question: What did the Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes experiment teach and why was it successful?
Answer: It taught about prejudice and it was effective because it made the abstract concept real to the participants. 


Question: Why is the Jared Subway story so sticky?
F.  All of the above

Answer: F

Question: Why is the nurse saving the baby story so sticky?
Answer: It provides inspiration and simulation.

Question: Why does mental simulation work so well?
Answer: It involves the brain in the same way as the actual activity.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a kind of inspirational plot discussed in MTS?

A. The Challenge Plot
B. The Connection Plot
C. The Creativity Plot
D. The Surprise Plot

Answer: D.  The Surprise Plot

Question: What 2 things make a story powerful?
Answer: Simulation (knowledge about how to act) and inspiration (motivation to act).


Question: What emotion did the Rokia story evoke?

Question: What is the WIIFY?
Answer: What's In If For You

Question: What is the benefit of the tactic of 3 whys?
Answer: It helps you bypass the Curse of Knowledge

Question: What is the Mother Theresa effect?
Answer: People care more about individuals than they do about abstractions

Question: What emotion did "The Truth" campaign evoke?


Answer: Anger (at the tobacco companies).