

One step-eqations

Question: 9x24
Answer: 216

Question: 15x12
Answer: 180

Question: Ben has 45 playing cards. He gives 12 to his friend. How many cards does Ben have know?
Answer: 33

Question: Sam needs money. He has $125. He needs $250 for the trampoline. how much mula does Sam need.
Answer: $125

Question: Bill is working at a rail road. If he places 5 tracks an hour, how man will he place in an avrege woork week(48 hours)?
Answer: 240

Two step-eqations

Question: (6+4)/3
Answer: 3.33

Question: 15x2+12
Answer: 42

Question: Lucy bought two feet of ribbon. she has enough ribbon for 5 dresses and hers. Each dress reqiers 1/4 foot of ribbon. How much ribbon does Lucy have left?
Answer: 1/2

Question: Zack is having a party with 24 people. He wants to seat the gests at tabbles of four. how  many tables will Zack need? Four people never came to the party so how many tables does he need know?
Answer: 5

Question: Point A on a triangle has an angle of 24 degrees. Point B has an angle of 54 degrees and C has an angle of 24 degrees. what type of triangle is this( there are two triangles this is).
Answer: isocolise,acute

Ratios and Porportions

Question: 12 over x= 6 over 7
Answer: 14

Question: 28 over x= 7 over 8
Answer: 32

Question: Isabell has 24% of the money needed for a trip to the keys. if she needs $1245 for the trip, how much money does she have?
Answer: $298.80

Question: For evry 3 people at Zacks party, there are 5 at Sam's. How many people are at Sam's?
Answer: 40

Question: GMS is having a feild trip. For evry 10 people who go, one gest stuck at school. If 60 people went to the feild trip, how many stayed behind?
Answer: 6

order of operations

Question: sara has 20 people coming to herpartyshe has 60 bags of goodies and she has 15 surprise guest. If she wants to give each geust 2 goodie bags, how many more does she need?
Answer: 10

Question: 8+7(5x4)3^3
Answer: 300

Question: 19x2+24/8^2
Answer: 38.44

Question: There are 35 people coming to the school swimming pool. There are 15 more on the way. half the kids dont go in how many kid swim?
Answer: 42

Question: 98/4^2 -12+4
Answer: 9.125


Question: Jhaun is trying to enter the school swim team. The minimum time reqiered to join is 30 sec. Jhauns best time is 28 sec. SWhat inequalitiy is this?
Answer: <

Question: tyler wants to be a pro baseball player. He needs an avrege of 300 to be accepted. if he has a score of 298,can he make it? what ineqaulity is this?
Answer: <

Question: 30 ? 47
Answer: <

Question: 60 ? 60
Answer: =

Question: The lowest paying scolrship for a lawer bring in atleast $120,000 a year. What ineqaulity is this.
Answer: < or =