

Light Energy

Question: Light can pass through all objects. True or False?
Answer: False!

How many types of Light Energy are there?

a. three
b. two
c. one

Answer: b. Two

Question: Artificial Light Energy comes from Natural Sources! True or False?
Answer: False!

Question: Name two examples of Artificial Light Energy!
Answer: Flashlight, Lamp, Stoplight...

Question: Name two examples of Natural Light Energy!
Answer: Sun, Lightning, Stars...

Heat Energy


Natural Heat Energy is created by electricity! True or False?

Answer: False!

________ is when two objects rub against each other to create heat.

a. Electrical Heat Energy
b. Transparent
c. Friction

Answer: c. Friction!

Does a microwave have Natural Heat Energy or Electrical Heat Energy?

Answer: Electrical Heat Energy!

Question: Does the Sun have Natural Heat Energy or Electrical Heat Energy?
Answer: Natural Heat Energy!

Question: When you added Heat Energy to the Peeps, the motion of the molecules inside of the Peeps changed. Did the molecules increase or decrease?
Answer: Increase!

Potential and Kinetic Energy

Question: Can something have energy even though it is not moving?
Answer: Yes!

If an object is NOT moving, it has ________ energy.

a. Potential
b. Kinetic

Answer: a. Potential!

If an object is moving, it has _______ energy.

a. Potential
b. Kinetic

Answer: b. Kinetic!

If a Roller Coaster is going very fast down a hill, does it have Potential Energy or Kinetic Energy?

Answer: Kinetic Energy!

Question: Can something have Kinetic Energy and Mechanical Energy at the same time?
Answer: Yes!

Sound Energy

Question: Do sounds vibrate?
Answer: Yes!

Sound Energy is made by _____________.

a. light
b. potential energy
c. vibrations

Answer: c. vibrations

Question: Do High Pitch sounds vibrate fast or slow?
Answer: Fast!

_________ is how loud a sound is.

a. Opaque
b. Volume
c. Vibration

Answer: b. Volume

Which has more energy: Loud Sounds or Soft Sounds?

Answer: Loud Sounds!


Question: Energy is all around us! True or False?
Answer: True!

Question: There is only one type of Energy. True or False?
Answer: False!

Who's microwave did we use for our Heat Energy Experiment?

a. Ms. Cathey's
b. Ms. Donachie's
c. Ms. Miller's

Answer: c. Ms. Miller's!

Who is that Science Guy that helps us learn about Energy?

a. Ben Night
b. Brian Nose
c. Bill Nye

Answer: c. Bill Nye The Science Guy!

When we talked about Light Energy, I brought in a Lamp to show you. What was it called?

a. Plasma Ball Lamp
b. Plastic Bell Lamp
c. Pinched Pleat Lamp

Answer: a. Plasma Ball Lamp