


Question: What dance was popular among flappers?
Answer: The Charleston 

Question: When was Betty Boo created
Answer: 1930

Question: Would you like to sin
With ... ...

Answer: Elinor Glinn

Question: It was said that the ideal flapper was...
Answer: expensive and about 19

Question: What are the steps for the Charleston and you have to perform it to get candy
Answer: 1-start with your feet together 
2- step back with your right foot and kick back with your left foot
3-step forward with your left foot and kick forward with your right foot
4-hold your arms straight out from your body, bending them at the elbows with your hands pointing up
5-swing your arms 


Question: Where was the first steel skyscraper
Answer: Chicago

Question: How did the invention of the dishwasher affect women?
Answer: -freed them from the kitchen
-stopped them from getting sick from bacteria (caused by hand washing dishes)
-allowed women to enter the business industry 

Question: How did women affect/change cars (ford model T)?
Answer: They changed the colours of cars

Question: What invention in the 1920s improved women (and men's) health and why?
Answer: Penicillin
-stopped infections
-created many antibiotics

Question: What did Josephine Cochran invent?
Answer: the dishwasher


Question: Who did Betty Boo represent?
Answer: Flappers

Question: Give one famous designer who became famous in USA
Answer: Coco Chanel

Question: Who was Mary Pickford?
Answer: an actress

Question: What was Mickey Mouse former known as
Answer: Steamboat Willy

Question: What was Ernest Hemingway's profession
Answer: novelist

Politics and figures

Question: Did women in the 1920s have the same pay as men?
Answer: No

Question: Where did women not benefit from changes?
Answer: In rural areas which were removed from big cities

Question: Name the first female president of the United States, just one name counts
Answer: There are none... yet

Question: Give one example of a women who had high public standing
Answer: Eleanor Roosevelt

Question: Between which years did the divorce rates double
Answer: 1914-1929 (100000 to 200000)


Question: What did flappers commonly wear around their heads
Answer: a bandana with a feather

Question: What style hair did they have
Answer: A bob

Question: Women were allowed to wear more ..... 
Answer: revealing/short clothes

Question: What coloured skin became popular for the first time?
Answer: Tanned

Question: What did a bow on a cloche hat symbolize?
Answer: The woman was single