
Test Review


Question: an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do.
Answer: advice

Question: when someone in authority tells you what to do
Answer: order

Question: a skill or a talent 
Answer: ability 

Question: What is the definition of the word necessity?
Answer: Something that is required; you can't live without.

Question: What is an ideal?
Answer: An idea of excellence or perfection. 

Fill in the blanks.

Question: Fill in the blank with can or could.

I ______speak three languages. (ability) They are Portuguese, French and English.

Answer: can

Question: I know I ______ study, but I'm just too tired tonight. (ideal)
Answer: should

Question: I ______ get to work on time last week because there was a detour on my route. (ability)
Answer: couldn't 

Question: I know someday I _________ to afford my own place. (ability)
Answer: will be able to

Question: People ______ pay their taxes because it's the law. (obligation)
Answer: must

Which modal?

Question: Which modal do we use to give advice?
Answer: should 

Question: Which modal shows ability in the present tense?
Answer: can

Question: Which modal shows an obligation?
Answer: must

Question: Which modal shows ability in the past tense?
Answer: could

Question: Which modal is used to express an ideal?
Answer: should

True or False.

Question: Obligation is a modal verb.
Answer: False.  

Question: When a person uses "had better" to give advice, it is stronger than "should."
Answer: True.

Question: Must is weaker than should. 
Answer: False.

Question: Should is sometimes used to talk about abilities. 
Answer: False. 

Question: Could can be used to talk about past opportunities.
Answer: True.


Question: Make can not into a contraction.
Answer: can't

Question: What do we use to speak about ability in the future tense?
Answer: will be able to

Question: Rules usually use which modal verb?
Answer: Must

Question: What is a modal verb?
Answer: A word that adds meaning to the main verb in a sentence.

Question: If you were going to add should to the sentence below, where does it go?

I run at the gym.

Answer: after I and before run

I should run at the gym.