
Phantom Language


Question: What does this mean?
What are Idioms

Answer: A phrase that isn't literal from its correct meaning

Worldwide Idiom
Walking around hot porridge

Not getting to the point

What is the definition of the Idiom
What is once in a blue moon
Answer: Something occurs rarely

What is the idiom and the definition 
When a high school student played basketball. He had the ball in the court to either keep playing or stop

Ball in the court
Definition: Making the next decision

Question: What is the meaning of the idiom
What Does this mean: What does Jump the Gun mean?

Doing Something Very early 


Question: What is personification?

Answer: Giving human traits to a non-living object.

Question: "The last shafts of light waited patiently for a flight of wrens to find their way home"
What is being personified?

Answer: The last shafts of light.

Question: Is the spelling bee an example of personification?

Answer: No.

Question: Which one is an example of personification?
 A. Milo and his unhappy thoughts hurried along
 B. The water bottle fell off the table
 C. The wind moved a leaf

Answer: A

What does this mean?
"The fog dragged clammy fingers down their backs"

Answer: It means that the fog clumps up into drops and the drops of water clings on them and makes them heavier. 


Question: What's the definition of hyperbole?
Answer: Exaggerating statements that are not meant to take literally. 

Question: "She is thin as a toothpick."

Is this a hyperbole?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Which one is an example of hyperbole?

A. "That dress is so to die for."
B. "I could eat a chicken leg."
C. "The apple is red."

Answer: A.

Question: "She is as thin as a toothpick."

What is it exaggerating?

Answer: How thin the girl is.

Question: Which is NOT an example of hyperbole?

A. "My high heels are killing me."
B. "Nice football throw."
C. "Her brain is the size of a pea."

Answer: B.


 What is an oxymoron?

Answer: Two words that have totally different meanings but makes sense together EX: jumbo shrimp

That puppy is pretty ugly.
What is the oxymoron? 

Answer: pretty ugly

Which ones are oxymorons?
A.Terrible Awesome
B.Military intelligence 
C.Big small
D.little pregnant 
E.Awfully pretty 
F.Pretty small  

Answer: A,B,D,E

Question: Which Sentences has an example of an oxymoron?
A.The old lady who was giving out free poisoned cookies seemed awfully nice 
B.The fat skinny men were selling aluminum tubes an one of them broke 
C.The kindergarteners had sweet sorrow voices as they sang there performance to the silent crowd 
D. his voice was a quiet sound when he whispered in her ear so everyone could hear what he said. 

All of the above

Question: I just get a microsoft works computer and it's great 
What is the oxymoron?

Answer: mircosoft works


Question: What is the meaning of imagery?
Answer: Imagery is a group of descriptive words that create an image in your mind. Often describes something so that it appeals to our sense of smell, sight, taste, touch, and/or hearing.

Question: Which one is an example of imagery?
A. "the fruit was as bitter as wormwood."
B. "the ocean kissed the southern shore."
C. "the king strode through the door and over to the table."

Answer: Answer: B "the ocean kissed the southern shore"

Question: What word(s) in the sentence creates imagery relating to sight and taste?
Bill made a red velvet cake which tasted sweet and chocolaty while the frosting shined in the light.

Answer: Answer: tasted sweet and chocolaty & frosting shined in the light

Question: Which word(s) best represent imagery relating to sound?
A. ugly
B. loud
C. annoying
D. laughing
E. A and C
F. B and C
G. none of the above

Answer: Answer: F

Question: What sentence is an example of imagery?
A. I could hear the violin in the orchestra playing peaceful and the beautiful music made me feel amazing.
B. The roller coaster was awesome
C. The resturant had lots of food
D. The dog looked happy when he played with the bouncy ball

Answer: Answer: A