
Dog'gon it


Question: In Australia, do they call soccer football?
Answer: yes

Question: is serena williams better then venus at tennis?
Answer: yes

Question: what shape is a soccer ball
Answer: circle

Question: Whats the number of black panels on a modern soccer ball?
Answer: 12

Question: How many points do you get with a regular shot in basketball
Answer: 2


Question: whats the accessories what go on your feet
Answer: shoes

Question: is it bad to mix white clothes with colored?
Answer: yup

Question: do shorts go on your head?
Answer: no

Question: what do you need to where when its cold outside?
Answer: coat/jacket and pants :)

Question: what are shirts mostly made of?
Answer: cotton


Question: When did Steve Jobs present the first iphone?
Answer: 2007

Question: What can you use to click better on your computer/laptop and is hooked up to it?
Answer: mouse

Question: is technology making life easier?
Answer: sort of, its getting better but people are getting moor lazy as well

Question: what is a good purpose?
Answer: entertainment, easier at work, also makes jobs, helps life be a bit easier 

Question: can it be expensive?
Answer: yes it can (ex. TVS ,Computers ,home appliances, ect.)


Question: is school a optional thing
Answer: yes it is, but for a good job and to be smarter in the future, you need to go even if you hate it

Question: is middle school higher in education then high school?
Answer: no

Question: is college a good opportunity? a.yes b.no
Answer: a

Question: is reading important? a.yes b.no
Answer: a

Question: Is a mechanic a person who works at a local mcdonals? a.yes b.no
Answer: b


Question: Is my name jacob a.yes b.no
Answer: a

Question: is the color brown orange a.yes b.no
Answer: b

Question: is my middle name bradley or keith a.keith b.bradley
Answer: b

Question: how old am i a.87 b.13 c.14
Answer: c

Question: what my birthday month a.january b.pasta c.May d.December
Answer: d