
Mesechet Taanit Perek 2

משניות א-ב

Question: משנה א- Where would the Jews daven on a fast day?
Answer: In the street

Question: What kind of משנה is משנה א?
Answer: סתם משנה

Question: In משנה ב, what did the speaker tell the people was the most important thing to do on a fast day?
Answer: Do תשובה

Question: משנה ב- Why was it important that the חזן have children and be poor?
Answer: So he could focus on his תפלה

Question: What do we learn from the word "נאמר"?
Answer: A פסוק is being said from תנ"ך

משניות ג-ה

Question: משנה ג- About which 2 ברכות do the תנא קמא and ר' יהודה argue?
Answer: First and Second

Question: משנה ד- What is the topic of this משנה?
Answer: The special endings of the ברכות of a fast day

Question: משנה ד- What is the basic idea of each תפלה being said to 'ה?
Answer: Answer us like you answered people in the תורה

Question: משנה ה- Why did the חכמים not agree with what was done in the story?
Answer: The בית המקדש was no longer standing

Question: משנה ה- Why didn't the people answer אמן after the חזן finished the ברכה?
Answer: They answered ברוך שם instead

משניות ו-ז

Question: Is משנה ו a סתם משנה?
Answer: No

Question: משנה ו- Who had to fast more- the אנשי משמר or אנשי בית אב?
Answer: אנשי משמר

Question: In משנה ו, is there a תנא קמא?
Answer: No

Question: משנה ז-Why are אנשי בית אב not allowed to drink wine?
Answer: They have to be able to work in the בית המקדש

Question: Why is משנה ז in מסכת תענית- it doesn't talk about fasting?!
Answer: It is part of a קובץ (group of משניות which talk about the same thing)

משניות ח-י

Question: משנה ח-What is written in מגלת תענית?
Answer: Days you are not allowed to fast

Question: משנה ח- About which days is the argument between the תנא קמא and  ר' יוסי?
Answer: The days before and after the ones in מגלת תענית

Question: משנה ט-Why did the fast days not start on Thursdays?
Answer: So the prices of food would not go up

Question: משנה ט- About which set of fasts are the תנא קמא and ר' יוסי arguing?
Answer: Second set

Question: Is there a מחלוקת in משנה י?
Answer: No

ידיעות כלליות

Question: 6th פרשה of בראשית
Answer: תולדות

Question: 4th to last פרשה of שמות
Answer: תצוה

Question: Amount of פרשיות in ויקרא AND במדבר with the letter "נ"
Answer: 3

Question: Amount of פרשיות in דברים that end with a אות סופית (for example, ץ)
Answer: 5

Question: Amount of מכות AND Hebrew months that have a "ר" in their name
Answer: 9