
Legal and Ethics in Healthcare

Patientś Rights

Question: Medical Facilities must keep privileged information secure and private
Answer: HIPPA

Question: Rights that a patient has at a hospital or physician office that includes their right to choose a provider, records to be kept confidential and to be able to participate in treatment decisions and details
Answer: Patientś Bill of Rights

Question: This act regulates long term health and home health care. It requires CNAs to obtain a certification, master state skills and have continuing education. It also limits the use of restraints on patients
Answer: OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)

Question:  A patient must be fully evaluated upon admission to a nursing home-health. Evaluation is to include memories, habits, hobbies. A plan of care must be written and maintained and the patient must be reevaluated yearly.

Answer: Nursing Home Reform Act

Question: healthcare agency receiving federal aid must inform a patients about advanced directives at time of admission. They also must assist the patient with completing the forms and educate staff about advanced directives
Answer: PSDA (Patient Self-Determination act)

Civil Torts

Question: Providing bad care that results in injury to a patient
Answer: Malpractice 

Question: Failure to provide care that is normally expected that results in injury to a patient
Answer: Negligence 


A person is confined or retained against his/her will
Answer: False Imprisonment 

Question: Unnecessary exposure of a patient and releasing medical information without the patientś permission are both examples of this tort
Answer: Invasion of Privacy


Answer: Defamation of character


Question: Younger than 18
Mentally incompetent 
Under the influence of a drug or alcohol
semiconscious or unconscious

Answer: Legal Disabilities 

Question: The thing of value promised in exchange for something else
Answer: Consideration 

Question: A non-verbal agreement of understanding
Answer: Implied Consent

Question: Terms stated in distinct and clear language; either written or verbalized
Answer: Expressed Consent

Question: An essential
component of a healthcare
contract. The patient or their healthcare
power of attorney gives written
permission for a treatment or
procedure, based on a clear
understanding of desired
outcomes and possible

Answer: Informed Consent


Question: Ending a life in a painless manner
Answer: Euthanasia 

Question: AN advanced directive that may include DNR status and specifics of how to or how to not prolong life
Answer: Living Will

Question: The ability to determine the difference between what is right and what is wrong. A code of conduct or standard of behavior that involves personal values and the commitment to do what is right.
Answer: Ethics

Question: To recognize and report illegal and unethical behavior
Answer: Healthcare Professionals´ Ethical Obligation

Question: Legal obligation of healthcare professionals to provide care according to the standards of practice expected within their community of healthcare professionals
Answer: Reasonable Care

Name that Civil or Criminal

Question: Untrue spoken statements that could cause harm to a personś reputation
Answer: Slander- Civil

Question: Any threat or attempt to injure another person
Answer: Assault

Question: Providing medical care without the proper license.
Answer: Practicing without a license- Criminal

Question: Using controlled drugs in a manner not intended
Answer: Misuse of Narcotics- Criminal

Question: Physical, sexual or verbal mistreatment of a patient. Depriving them of nutrition.
Answer: Abuse- Civil