
Renaissance Quiz


Question: Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Answer: Leonard da Vinci

Question: Who sculpted David?
Answer: Donatello,Michelangelo

Question: Who was the inspiration for the Mona Lisa?
Answer: Lisa Giocanda

Question: Before the Renaissance, what was the primary subject of paintings during the Middle Ages?
Answer: Religious figures.

Question: Who painted the Sistine Chapel's ceiling?
Answer: Michelangelo


Question: Was the recorder a instrument during the renaissance?
Answer: Yes

Question: What changed in music during the Renaissance?
Answer: A very important discovery at this time was music printing. Music printing started in Italy in the mid 16th century. It soon spread to other countries.

Question: Who was a influential composer during the Renaissance?<
Answer: Giovanni Gabrieli

Question: True or False: In Renaissance music the instruments were considered more important than vocals.
Answer: False

Question: What was the trombone of the Renaissance?
Answer: Sackbut


Question: Who was the poet who wrote Hamlet?
Answer: William Shakesphere

Question: Who discovered that Earth wasn't the center of the universe?
Answer: Galileo Galilei

Question: What did Johannes Kepler do?
Answer: Kepler improved on Galileo's discoveries

Question: Who influenced Issac Newton inspired by?
Answer: Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Descartes.

Question: Who invented the heliocentric model of the universe?
Answer: Nicolaus Copernicus


Question: Why didn't people trust the Church as much?
Answer: After the printing press was invented people became more educated, instead of just believing whatever anyone told them.

Question: How did art change religion during the renaissance?
Answer: Renaissance art was more realistic and showed perspective, depth, and substance. They started painting portraits or life scenes instead of religious subjects.

Question: Why was Martin Luther expelled from the Church?
Answer: Martin Luther rewrote 95 Thesis that he thought was unnecessary

Question: What new religions were found during the Renaissance?
Answer: -Protestant,Lutheranism and Apostles

Question: Why did the Church have less power during the renaissance?
Answer: The pope moved to France and the people started to become humanists.


Question: What is Humanism?
Answer: A system of thought that centers on humans and their and values, potential and worth.

Question: Who was called the father of humanism?
Answer: Francesco Petrarca

Question: Why was Humanism important during the Renaissance
Answer: It gave people a new outlook of life rather than just preparing for the afterlife.

Question: Who was the first humanist pope?
Answer: Pope Pius II

Question: How did Humanism change the Renaissance?
Answer: Humanism re promoted education and the free exchange of ideas and thoughts.