
Ar verbs

subject pronouns

Question: I=

Question: nosotros
Answer: we

Question: Ellos
Answer: They are

Question: ustedes
Answer: you formal (plural)

Question: She and I
Answer: ella y yo

verb conjugation

Question: ?Estudias mucho?
Answer: Si estudio o no estudio

Question: Estudio
Answer: I study

Question: Cuantas clases tienes?
Answer: Tengo ocho

Question: cantar

conjugate in the nosotros form
Answer: cantamos

Question: Trabajas mucho en la clases?
Answer: Si trabajo o no trabajo


Question: Christina has a red house
Answer: Chrtistina tiene una casa roja

Question: Cat
Answer: gato

Question: Name 5 colors

Question: the class is boring
Answer: la clase es aburrida

Question: The kitchen is ugly, small and purple
Answer: La cocina es fea, pequena y morada


Question: The opposite of big
Answer: Pequeno

Question: the opposite of tall
Answer: Bajo

Question: She is short
Answer: Ella es baja

Question: The class is easy and big
Answer: la clase es facil y grande

Question: select three nouns to describe your house
Answer: Mi casa es grande, bonita,

definite articules

Question: The book
Answer: El libro

Question: the computer is small
Answer: La computadora es pequena

Question: The tables
Answer: las mesas

Question: los lapices
Answer: the pencils

Question: el papel y la mochilla
Answer: The paper and the backpack