
The Emperor's General

General MacArthur

Question: The first number of men he was in command of...
Answer: What is 14,000

Question: The name of his wife
Answer: What is Quezona

Question: How long ago he died
Answer: What is 51 years ago

Question: The name of his closest friend, who also served with him
Answer: Who is Sam Genius

Question: How General MacArthur was killed
Answer: What is a misfired American mortor


Question: The Naval Base that brought the US into WWII and the port in which General MacArthur left from just days after the major event
Answer: What is Pearl Harbor

Question: The first head quarters set up by General MacArthur
Answer: Where is Manila

Question: The continent where General MacArthur's wife lives
Answer: Where is Australia

Question: What country was General MacArthur killed in
Answer: Where is Japan

Question: The country and city where General Yamishita was killed
Answer: Where is Tokyo, Japan

Ship Names

Question: It's a cruiser for whom carried General MacArthur's staff...
Answer: What is the USS Nashville

Question: The Carrier General MacArthur had sunk
Answer: What is the Sugiyama

Question: The last US ship in the Philippines
Answer: What is the USS Prosecutor

Question: The Japanese ship that was first spotted in Pearl Harbor
Answer: What is the Hokkaido

Question: The Name of General MacArthur's ship that was sunk in the battle of Mid-Way
Answer: What is the USS Arkansas


Question: The place in the Philippines where General MacArthur had suffered a defeat
Answer: What is the battle of the Bataan Penninsula

Question: The place where a Japanese general had been captured
Answer: What is the battle of Kanji

Question: The Battle that killed General MacArthur
Answer: What is the blood trail

Question: The battle where MacArthur's ship was hit
Answer: Where is the battle of Mid-Way

Question: The name of General Yamishita's Ship
Answer: What is the Koichi Kido

who said

Question: As he put it "dying on the vine."
Answer: Who is General MacArthur

Question: "Have a hard day, did you, Jay? Up there in Tokyo with all the Bigwigs?"
Answer: Who is Father Garvey

Question: "Not tonight, Father, I'm beat. I had the drive to and from Tokyo, the meetings at the diet, then an hour upstairs being interrogated by Generals MacArthur, Willoughby, and Whitney. And now two beers."
Answer: Who is Capt. Jay Marsh

Question: "yes, sir. Excellent point." he said as he flipped his folder closed
Answer: Who is Colonel Genius

Question: "This is your opportunity Yogamashi to explain to this counsel, if you care to do so, how you could have failed to know these plans! You are a discrase to the Japanese empire, Yogamashi leave this counsel until you have the enemies movements or plans!"
Answer: Who is General Yamashita