
Egypt Test Review

Map and Geography Terms

Question: Draw the cardinal directions in the proper order on a compass rose.

Answer: North, East, South, West

Question: This type of map shows cities, borders, and state lines.  
Answer: What is a political map.

Question: This is another name for lines that circle the globe running North to South.  They are NOT parallel.  
Answer: Meridians. 

Question: How many degrees are between each line of latitude and longitude on a globe?  
Answer: Fifteen degrees. 

Question: When trying to find the ABSOLUTE LOCATION on a globe.  What measurement do you ALWAYS LIST FIRST? 
Answer: Always list LATITUDE first....then longitude. 


Question: There are seven of these large land masses on the globe.  What are they called? 
Answer: Continents:  Most start with A and one starts with E.  Africa, N. America, S. America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, and Europe. 

Question: What is an unreasoned, emotional judgement about people and events? 
Answer: Bias.  Bias can influence someone's description of an event. 

Question: Archaeologists used several methods to date the objects they found with Ice Man.  Name one
1.  Carbon dating (carbon breaks down at a very predictable rate)
2. X-rays (can determine the insides of things without destroying)
3.  Microscopes (understanding something on a cellular level)

Question: What does the term domesticate mean and why was it important to early hunter-gatherers?
Answer: Domestication means they learned to plant and grow food which allowed them to stay put in one area.  They stopped having to go from place to place to live.

Question: After agriculture came to be used, each member of the community trained to do a specific task.  What is this called?
Answer: Specialization.  Since some were farming, others could harvest the food, others hunted, while still others made pretty things like jewelry.  Since they didn't have to fight for survival, civilizations were becoming more advanced and sophisticated. 

The Nile River

Question: An object that was made by a person in a certain period of time is called what?
Answer: An artifact. 

Question: How long is the Nile River? 
Answer: Over 4,000 miles.  Flowing NORTH from the mountains of East Africa to the Mediterranean Sea. 

Question: What is another name for the delta region of the Nile River? Lower Egypt
Answer: Lower Egypt because the water flows NORTH to the Mediterranean Sea and the delta is LOWER in elevation than the mountains of Upper Egypt. 

Question: What is the rainy season in Africa and what important event happens during this? 
Answer: The rainy season is from May until September.  The Nile River floods settling mineral-rich silt along the banks of the river.  Farming along the Nile is productive. 

Question: What irrigation methods did Egyptians use to support their farming efforts? 
1.  Irrigation canals
2. Shadouf (buckets on a pole that lifts water into irrigation canals)

Why and How We Study History

Question: Something that shows proof that something is true.  
Answer: What is evidence.

Question: What are the five themes of geography?

M    R.         H    E    L    P 
movement (movement of people and ideas)
region (what do areas share?  borders? languages?)
human/environment interaction ((how have people changed the Earth)
location (absolute / relative)
place (features of the land)

Question: Why do we study history? 
1. Understanding the past is key to knowing the future.
2. Gives us multiple perspectives.
3. Builds our critical thinking skills.
4. Helps us understand different cultures. 
5. Trains us to look at patterns and trends. 
6. Develops "out of the box" thinking.

Question: What is the difference between artifacts and fossils? 
1.  Artifacts are non-living, fossils are plant and/or animal remains. 
2.  Archaeologists study artifacts.  Paleontologists study fossils. 

Question: What is a technique that historians use to show when something happened over time?  They can be horizontal, vertical.  They can be continuous, or have a jagged interruption. 
Answer:  What is a timeline. 


Question: Who was the King of Upper Egypt that overthrew the King of Lower Egypt?  What color crown did her wear AFTER this defeat?
Answer: Menes wore a double crown with red and white to show his old (red) and his new (white). 

Question: What drove Egypt's economy? 
Answer: Agriculture (farming) drove Egypt's economy.  They paid the pharaoh taxes by donating their surplus (extra) crops.  Some products included grains, eggs, meat, fruits, and olive oil. 

Question: When just learning to scribe, scribes wrote on __________ but then gradually moved up to ______________.  
Answer: They practiced on papyrus but then eventually worked up to stone tablets. 

Question: The Rosetta Stone shows which three languages? 
Answer: Hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek.  It was important because it helped unlock the mystery of hieroglyphics.  It helped us compare the languages and interpret what life was like that long ago.  It was a HUGE find!

Question: What is a primary source?
Answer: It is a piece of historical evidence from someone who was an actual eyewitness to the event.