

Features of academic discourse

Question: Academic writers announce, usually somewhere near the beginning of an article, what they are going to do.
Answer: Billboards

Question: explore or problems to solve.
Answer: Questions

Question: Popular assumption that academic texts usually deal with certainty and much academic assertions.
Answer: Hedges

Question: Writing offers plenty of explicit direction about turns in a argument.
Answer: Signposts

Question: Academic texts often include a _______ of what others have already said.
Answer: Review

Purposes of Academic Reading

Question: What do I understand this to be saying?

Answer: Explain

Question: What could I learn from this? What does this make me think?
Answer: Explore

Question: Is this persuasive? How do I interpret this?
Answer: Evaluate

Question: How is this put together? Do I notice about how I'm thinking about this?
Answer: Reflect

Question: What question did you have after reading "George Saunders's Advice to Graduates".
Answer: Answers may vary


Question: When _____ are upset, their sweat turns red.
Answer: Hippos

Question: ______ has 4 noses
Answer: Slugs

Question: A group of owls is called a ______
Answer: parliament.

Question: A bolt of lightning is ___ times hotter than the sun
Answer: six

Question: When snowboarding was invented it was called ______
Answer: Snurfing 

George Saunders

Question: what was George Saunders biggest regret?
Answer: Failure to act with kindness

Question: Saunders says "as we get older, we come to see how useless it is to be ______..."
Answer: Selfish

Question: Saunders says that you will gradually be replaced by what? Provide an example.
Answer: Love. If you have kids, you won't care what happens to you, as long as they benefit.

Question: What is Saunders advice for becoming kinder and more loving?
Answer: Hurry up. Speed it along. Start right now.

Question: what is the connection between the processes of becoming kinder and improving reading skills?
Answer: They are both gradual processes.

George Saunders Continued

Question: what is the reason for our lack of unkindness according to Saunders?
Answer: Selfishness 

Question: Saunders says that kindness happens naturally with ___.
Answer: Age

Question: What can we take from both pieces of writing?
Answer: They are both gradual processes and activities that require devotion and conscious input in order to improve. 

Question: If someone is going to become kinder, what do they have to do? Why do they have to do that?
Answer: We have to take ourselves seriously, we have to do this to be our best selves

Question: What's the key to becoming kinder according to Saunders?
Answer: Taking our own initiative; other's can't do it for us