
Syllabus Search


Question: What day is Prof. Floro usually not available for office hours?
Answer: Fridays

Question: If I send Prof. an email, how long will it normally take for her to respond.
Answer: Prof. Floro will normally respond within 24 hours if your email is sent on a week day.

Question: When is Prof. Floro available for office hours on Thursdays.
Answer: Prof. Floro is available for office hours from 12-1 on Thursdays.

Question: If you need to contact Prof. Floro by email or by phone, what is her email address and office phone number?
Answer: Email: floro@smccd.edu

Phone #: 650-738-4414

Question: What is suggested that you do to get the class notes if you are absent from a class?
Answer: Ask a classmate to photocopy his/her notes.

Major Assignments

Question: What is worth 50% of your grade and a required component of the course?
Answer: The weekly lab practicum is worth 50% and is required to pass the course.

Question: How often do you have to write journals and hand them in?
Answer: A journal needs to be written each week.

Journal batches are handed in every 2 weeks.

Question: When will you need to take the final exam?
Answer: The final exam is scheduled for December 13.

Question: What percentage of your grade are journals worth?
Answer: 15%

Question: When is your midterm exam?
Answer: October 27


Question: What is the name of the required LSKL 110 textbook?
Answer: Put the Pencil Down

Question: What is required for you to house your journals?
Answer: A journal folder with pockets or 3-prongs, not a 3-ring binder.

Question: How many lab practicum hours do you need to complete to pass the course?
Answer: 25 hours of lab practicum are required to pass the course.

Question: What should you check daily for class updates?
Answer: SMCCD email and WebAccess

Question: What color represents participation/group work on the category weight pie chart for the grading standards?
Answer: yellow


Question: How many units is LSKL 110 worth?
Answer: 1.5 units

Question: What is the minimum number of TBA hours needed for tutoring shadowing?
Answer: 8-10 hours minimum

Question: What percentage of your course grade is participation/group work worth?
Answer: 10%

Question: What is the number of absences allowed this semester?
Answer: 2 absences maximum. After this, you may be dropped from the class.

Question: How many lab practicum sessions will there be this semester?
Answer: 16


Question: What is the policy on cell phone and other mobile devices?
Answer: Cell phones and other devices should be turned off and out of side (unheard and unseen) unless they are required for a class activity.

Question: What is the extra credit policy?
Answer: No extra credit will be given.

Question: What is the policy on assignments if you are absent on a day an assignment is due?
Answer: Assignments due on a day you are absent must be handed in on the day you return to class.

Question: What should you do if you need to leave class early?
Answer: Let Prof. Floro know that you will need to leave early before class begins.

Question: What are the basics of maintaining classroom community that is peaceful and respectful?
Answer: There should be no offensive and/or disruptive behavior. Keep appropriate and considerate behavior.