
Sunita's 50th B-Day


Question: What game did Sunita and her cousins play when they got together in Om Shanthi
Answer: What is "shoe shop!!!!!"

Question: what famous bollywood star did Sunita go to school with?(Hint-First name is bobby)
Answer: who is Bobby Deol

Question: Which Famous Bollywood Star Did Sunita Play Tennis With?
Answer: Who is Amir Khan

Question: What nickname was Sunita given as a child?
Answer: What is Sunabadesh-to-panduramgod-to-nathuram godse, pandu goes to mandu muthus.

Question: What was the name of Sunita's pre-school teacher?
Answer: Who was aunty Ashburner


Question: Which company does Sunita work for now?
Answer: What is Nest

Question: What did Sunita study for her Under-Graduate degree in Bombay?
Answer: What is Economics

Question: What did Sunita Study in Graduate School?
Answer: What is Computer Science

Question: Where did Sunita start her working career?
Answer: What is Boston

Question: Including Nest, how many companies has Sunita worked for? Name Them
Answer: What is 5

Friends And Family

Question: Which of her cousins attended the same pre-school as Sunita (hint:He or she is standing in this room)
Answer: Who is Arvind

Question: How Many sisters\brothers does Sunita have? What Are Their Names?
Answer: What is 2 sisters,0 brothers, and Meera And Lata

Question: How Many Sister's In-Law does Sunita Have? (Name Them)
Answer: What is 5, Pramilla(Baby), Geeta, Rekha, Chitra, Nithya

Question: What Are The ages of Sunita's Children?
Answer: What are 9,13

Question: How Many Nieces and Nephews does Sunita have in California?
Answer: What is 6


Question: What Is her Favorite musical instrument?
Answer: What is the Piano

Question: What is her favorite sport that she still plays to this day?
Answer: What is Ping Pong

Question: What does Sunita do to relax?
Answer: What is listening to music

Question: What does Sunita want to do most in the backyard?
Answer: What is Birdwatching

Question: What activity does she like to do most with her 2 sisters?
Answer: What is to laugh


Question: Where was Sunita Born?
Answer: What is Mumbai, India

Question: Where did Sunita & Sathya go for their Honeymoon?
Answer: Hawaii

Question: In 2016, where in India did an elephant give her a bath?
Answer: What is Madurai

Question: Where did Sunita and her Family go for vacation in 2013
Answer: What is Argentina

Question: Where did Sunita and Sathya meet? San Francisco, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, San Jose?
Answer: What is Sunnyvale