

Question: What is the name of bacteria found in raw poultry and eggs?
Answer: Salmonella

Question: If something is flammable, it can...
Answer: Catch fire easily

Question: Any risk or danger is called a...
Answer: Hazard

Question: Should a bucket of water be kept handy to put out, possible grease fires?
Answer: No.

Question: Dull knifes are safer than sharp ones. True Or False?
Answer: False

Question: When you destroy harmful micro organisms with chemical compounds, it is called:
Answer: Sanitizing

Question: What poisonous substances is also called..
a) Toxins
     b) Infections
     c) Bacteria

Answer:  A: Toxins

Question: What should you hold a plate by?
     a) The bottom
     b) The rim
     c) You don't hold it

Answer: The rim b)

Question: The government agency that sets and enforces standards to protect the health and safety of workers is....?
     a) HEW
     b) FDA
     c) NSF
     d) OSHA

Answer:  d: OSHA

Question: For refrigerators, a temperature above ? indicates danger.
       a) 25 degrees F
       b) 20 degrees F
       c) 35 degrees F
       d) 40 degrees F

Answer: 40 degrees F , d)

Question: The best way to kill E. Coli bacteria is by throughly cooking True or False?
Answer: True

Question: You should bend forward from the hips when lifting heavy objects. True or False?
Answer: False

Question: What three appliances are referred to equipment
Answer: refrigerators mixers and fryers

Question: The term tool means?
Answer: hand held item

Question: What should the blade of the knifes be made of
Answer: tempered , high carbon , steel tempered steel 

Question: What are the 7 parts of a knife

Answer: poin , grind, blade , edge , rivets, haft, full tang

Question: What's a food mill used for

Straining and pureeing 

Question: What's the difference between small appliances and big appliances

Answer: small appliances are portable and big appliances u can't move 

Question: What are the different rages
Answer: flat top ranges , griddle tops ranges , open top ranges 

Question: What are the different types of scales

Answer: Portion scale spring scale and balance scale

Question: What is a utility pan used for?

Answer: used for cakes salads pies

Question: Is a spring scale used to weigh food in order to maintain an equal serving, True or False?

Answer: True



Question: What's the difference between food processing and food perseveration
Answer: Food processing deals with raw food and food perseveration is pro longed