
SS Chapter 2

Section 1

Question: What do some scientists think that Native America was migrated from?
Answer: Asia

Question: Before the Revolutionary War, the American colonists decided to do what? Define.
Answer: Boycott - or refuse to buy British goods.

Question: Who are religious people who want to convert other people to their religion?
Answer: Missionaries

Question: Why was the Lousiana Purchase of 1803 so important to the development of the United States?
Answer: It doubled the country's size

Question: The United States Constitution was approved in 1788, what was the purpose of this?
Answer: to set up a framework of the government.

Section 2

Question: How did the Industrial Revolution affect the poor in the late 1800s?
Answer: The life of the poor DID NOT improve.

Question: What was the phrase American colonists used to show their objection to taxes on British goods?
Answer: "Taxation without representation!"

Question: What was the change from making good from hand to making them by machine called?
Answer: Industrial Revolution

Question: What do you call a person who moves from one country to another to settle?
Answer: An immigrant

Question: What was a person called who wanted to end slavery in the US?
Answer: An abolisionist

Section 3

Question: After the Indusrial Revolution, many poor immigrants joined what? Define.
Answer: the labor force - or the suppy of workers

Question: What are the rights belonging to all citizens called?
Answer: Civil Rights

Question: After the Industrial Revolution, what did many poor immiagrants join? Define.
Answer: The labor force

Question: What was it called when the US feared the Soviets were trying to expand their power throughout the world?
Answer: The Cold War

Question: What was the one event that first helped the United States become a World Power?
Answer: The country fought in World War 1

Section 4

Question: What is a self governing area called
Answer: A dominion

Question: Having two official languages
Answer: Bilingual

Question: In 1867, Canada became a what? Define?
Answer: Dominion -

Question: What did Canada have as a result of the British North American Act of 1867?
Answer: Its own central government

Question: What was one important political result of the Canadian constitution of 1982?
Answer: Canada was completely independent.

Section 5

Question: A fee charged to import is called what?
Answer: A tariff

Question: What do the following have in common -The Great LakesThe Rocky Mountains andThe Atlantic and Pacific coasts
Answer: The US and Canada share these geographic features

Question: The US and Canda have worked to solve environmental problems such as water pollution, soil erosion and what?
Answer: Acid Rain

Question: What happened as a result of the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire?
Answer: Water pollution decreased

Question: Who's goals are the following -To maintain peace and To prevent interference in the region
Answer: The OAS or the Organization of American states