
Digestive Sysrem


Question: What is the first step of digestion?
Answer: Mechanical Digestion

Question: This formed by portions of the maxillae and palatine bones
Answer: Hard palate

Question: Amylase breaks down what?
Answer: Starch

Question: What is enamel?
Answer: Hard tissue that covers the crown

Question: What is dentin?
Answer: The bulk of the tooth that consists of a firm, yellowish tissue.

Stomach/ Digestion

Question: What is the primary function of the stomach?
Answer: Store food

Question: Where are protein, lipids and carbohydrates digested?
Answer: Stomach and small intestines

Question: When food enters the stomach, the stretching of the stomach triggers which gastric phase?
Answer: Gastric

Question: Chime moving down the duodenum triggers nerve impulses which trigger which gastric phase?
Answer: Intestinal

Question: Sight, smell, thought or taste of food creates a neural impulse that is which gastric phase?
Answer: Cephalic phase

Small Intestine

Question: Millions of microvilli give the jejunum an enormous surface area, making it an ideal location for what?
Answer: Nutrient Absorption 

Question: What part of the intestines does the most digestive processes occur?
Answer: Duodenum

Question: What part of digestion takes place in the small intestine?
Answer: Chemical Digestion

Question: Where is most fat digested?
Answer: Duodenum

Question: Which mesentery hangs over the small intestine like an apron?
Answer: Greater Omentum

Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas

Question: What is the primary function of the gallbladder?
Answer: To store and concentrate bile.

Question: What organs produce digestive enzymes?
Answer: Gallbladder, liver and pancreas

Question: What is the primary function of the liver?
Answer: form bile salts, which is the most important component of bile.

Question: Which pancreatic cells secrete digestive enzymes?
Answer: Acinar cells

Question: To facilitate digestion, fat must first be broken into small droplets by a process called?
Answer: Emulsification

Large Intestine

Question: What is attached to the lower end of the cecum?
Answer: Appendix

Question: Where is most of the water you drink absorbed?
Answer: Large Intestine 

Question: What is an initial trigger to the stomach to begin secreting gastric juices?
Answer: Smell of food.

Question: The large intestine begins in a blind pouch called?
Answer: Cecum

Question: Name the 6 sections of the colon.
Answer: Cecum
Ascending colon
Transverse colon
Descending colon
Sigmoid colon