
rubber lubey


Question: What is The Square root of 4?
Answer: 2

Question: X= 4 Y=7 What is xy/2
Answer: 14

Question: 93 x 5 / 6 x=6
Answer: 77.5

Question: A KIrk Vickers rode all the way to an Xavier porter it took 432 miles to get there. It took 9 hours to get there. The return trip to 480 miles.
How long did the trip back take?
Answer: 10

Question: Mya left the Peters Museum. 3 hours later Chesser left the museum driving 42 km/h faster in an effort to reach McDougal (Mya.).Then 5 hours later Fissy left. After 2 hours Chesser caught up. What was Myris's average speed? Then 5 hours later Fissy left.
Answer: 28km/hr


Question: Who was the head of the constitutional convention

Answer: Mrs. Huestis

jk George Washington

Question: Who was the father of the constitution
Answer: James Madison

Question: When was the constitution approved
Answer: 1791

Question: What was the 3/5 compromise
Answer: 3/5 slaves were counted towards the pop.

Question: What was the Northwest ordinance
Answer: territories west were made in to states.


Question: What sentence is this?
Answer: Interrogative

Question: Your sentence is wrong.
Answer: What sentence type is that?

Question: What two sentence types are these? You don't even lift.
Answer: Imperative. Declarative.

Question: What sentence is this?

You aren't about that life!
Answer: Exclamatory.

Question: what threeeeeee sentence types is this?

You don't want it!
Answer: Imperative, Exclamatory, Declaratory.


Question: What is topography?
Answer: the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.

Question: Is this Equation balanced? 3m 2B ----> 3m2B
Answer: Yes

Question: How many Protons are in helium if it is the 2nd element?
Answer: 2

Question: Name Newton's 3 laws of James motion's.
Answer: Reaction/Action

Question: Does Mr.thomas teach topgraphy
Answer: No he teaches topography.


Question: Does Brownwood have computers?
Answer: yes.

Question: Is there a touchscreen phone?
Answer: Yes

Question: Who created Apple?
Answer: Steve Jobs

Question: Whats the most sold technology franchise item?
Answer: The Apple Iphones

Question: When did computers come out?
Answer: 1953