
Apple Pie Project 2


Question: 2+y=24 What is y?
Answer: y= 22

Question: 45x= 90
Answer: x= 2

Question: 16/x=4
Answer: x=4

Question: 4n+5=31
Answer: n=6

Question: 4/n+34= 36
Answer: n=2


Question: The puppy jumped around like a bunny

Metaphor or simile?
Answer: Simile

Question: The boy across the street has a heart as big as all outdoors.

What does the simile in the sentence tell you?
A. The boy has an enlarged heart.
B. The boy is very giving and kind.
C. The boy is very selfish and mean.
D. The boy wears an oxygen mask.
Answer: B. The boy is very giving and kind.

The lighthouse stands tall at the edge
of miles and miles of sand.
His tiny light guides mighty ships
and brings them safe to land.
He doesn't fear the night so dark;
Forever he will stand.

Which type of figurative language does the author use in this poem?
A. alliteration
B. assonance
C. personification
D. idiom
Answer: C. Personification

The line "its assurance is like a gift I tuck away in a drawer" is an example of what type of figurative language?

Answer: Simile

Question: "The rock flew across the wide river" is an example of...

Answer: Personification


Question: What year did America declare independence from Great Britain?
Answer: 1776

Question: Who was the first president of the United States?
Answer: George Washington

Question: What document begins with "We the People..."
Answer: The U.S Constitution

Question: What state did not attend the Constitutional Convention?
Answer: Rhode Island

Question: Anti-Federalists would not sign the Constitution until the _______ ___ ________ was added
Answer: Bill of rights


Question: What are the lines on a topographic map called?
Answer: Contour lines

Question: What are the spaces between the contour lines called?
Answer: Contour intervals

Question: What does it mean when the contour lines are closer together?
Answer: The slope is steeper.

Question: If a contour line is at 30 and the next contour line is at 35, what is the contour intervel?
Answer: 5

Question: If mountain A starts at 100 and stops at 500 and mountain B starts at 200 and ends at 500, which mountain is taller?
Answer: Mountain A


Question: Who was the creator of Apple?
Answer: Steve Jobs

Question: What does "www." mean?
Answer: World Wide Web

Question: What is the most used search engine?
Answer: Google

Question: What does ".org" stand for?
Answer: Organization

Question: What does ".net" stand for?
Answer: Network