
BJU History Chapter 5


Question: What did Francis Scott Key do to show patriotism?
Answer: He wrote the Star Spangled Banner which became America's national anthem

Question: What did James Madison do that showed patriotism?
Answer: He wrote the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and encouraged people to accept them

Question: What did Dolley Madison do to show patriotism for her country?
Answer: She saved a painting of George Washington from the White House 

Question: What was the Missouri Compromise?
Answer: A compromise that the legislators hoped would settle the slavery problem. This compromise allowed Maine to enter the United States as a free state, and Missouri to enter as a slave state

Question: Who is the most awesome teacher ever?
Answer: Mrs. Tupper!!!!!


Question: What is the American System?
Answer: This system included improvements in transportation, a tariff and a national bank

Question: What is a bill?
Answer: It is a statement of rules that Congress wants to become a law

Question: What is the Monroe Doctrine?
Answer: It is a plan that European nations should not form new colonies in America

Question: What did northerners focus on?
Answer: They focused on shipping and manufacturing

Question: What did southerners focus on?
Answer: They focused on growing crops on their farms and plantations

War of 1812

Question: Who supplied the Indians with weapons?
Answer: The British

Question: What was a result of the War of 1812
Answer: The other countries began to respect America as a truly independent nation

Question: Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner while watching the British bomb Washington DC?
Answer: Francis Scott Key

Question: Which came first, the American Revolution, or the War of 1812?
Answer: The American Revolution

Question: What year did the War of 1812 begin?
Answer: 1812

Laws and Maps

Question: What is a veto?
Answer: To refuse a bill

Question: What is an amendment?
Answer: A change made to the Constitution

Question: What is the central line of latitude called?
Answer: The Equator

Question: What is the central line of longitude called
Answer: The Prime Meridian

Question: What is a canal?
Answer: A man-made waterway that connects two cities


Question: What is a rural community?
Answer: A community that is outside of the city and has small towns

Question: What is an urban community?
Answer: A community that is near the city and has lots of people

Question: Which state government wanted to build the Erie Canal to make a waterway to the Great Lakes?
Answer: New York

Question: Lines of latitude are like rungs on a ...
Answer: Ladder (they are horizontal lines)

Question: Lines of longitude go the ________ way around the globe
Answer: Long (vertical lines)