
EQuizshow prodject


Question: Is Algebra math with letters?
Answer: true

Question: You can substitute letters for numbers in Algebra questions. True,or false.
Answer: True.

Question: Can you use any letter in Algebra? Yes,or no
Answer: Yes.

Question: Multiplying numbers and letters is not considered Algebra. True,or false.
Answer: False.

Question: Algebra is only subtracting numbers and letters. True,or false.
Answer: False


Question: We don't have the constitution today. True,or false
Answer: False

Question: The Articles of Confederation was the United States first attempt of congress. ijj3wfgerqwfu-ieqjraowf=q]w4-014
Answer: True.

Question: The United States still to this day use the Articles of Confederation. True,of false
Answer: False.

Question: The Antifederalist were the ones who signed the constitution. True,or false
Answer: false

Question: the Bill of rights were never included in the constitution.
Answer: False.


Question: A simile compares two things using like or as. True,or false
Answer: True

Question: Is (he drowned in a sea of grief a metaphor)? yes,or no
Answer: Yes

Question: An alliteration is a sentence that repeats a letter like the [sun shines on a snail.
Answer: True.

Question: Onomatopeya is written to give human like qualities to some thing not human. True,or false
Answer: False.

Question: Imaginary is words that sound the same. True,or false
Answer: False.


Question: The contour lines of a hill,or mountain show how steep a slope is. True,or false.
Answer: True.

Question: You can tell what the side view of a mountain from a helicopter,airplane,or a satellite from outer space. True,or false?
Answer: False.

Question: Tectonic plates don't create mountains,or hills it just cracks the surface of Earth. True,or false.
Answer: False.

Question: Volcanos are a type of of mountain formed by a earth quake. True,or false.
Answer: True.

Question: Two (Tectonic Plates) that collide is what causes a earth quake,witch forms mountains and hills. True,or false.
Answer: True.


Question: When was the first computer invented?
Answer: February 15, 1946.

Question: Who created the first computer?
Answer: Charles Babbage.

Question: What was the first computer like?
Answer: The first computer was basically a calculator that ran on a steam engine.

Question: When was the first apple computer invented?
Answer: 1976.

Question: Who invented the first apple computer?
Answer: Steve Wozniak.