
Chapter 15 Desert Quiz Show

Section 1

Question: Why was sectionalism growing?
Answer: The Wilmont Proviso spurred a debate.

Question: What did the Whigs and Democrats do to attract voters?
Answer: They didn't take a clear position on slavery.

Question: What did the California Gold Rush cause?
Answer: Rapid population growth, so California joined the Union.

Question: What was the 4th rule in the Compromise of 1850?
Answer: The slave trade - but not slavery - would end in the nation's capital.

Question: Who was Anthony Burns?
Answer: He was a fugitive slave from Virginia.

Section 2

Question: Who was Franklin Pierce?
Answer: A little known politician from New Hampshire who promised to honor the Compromise of 1850.

Question: Who was Stephen Douglas?
Answer: A congressman who supported the idea of building a railroad to the Pacific.

Question: Antislavery northerners were outraged by the _______ of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
Answer: Implications

Question: What did pro-slavery voters do to vote in Kansas?
Answer: The crossed the border

Question: What did they name John Brown's response to the attack on Lawrence?
Answer: The Pottawatomie Massacre.

Section 3

Question: Who made up the Republican party?
Answer: Some Whigs, Democrats, Free-Soldiers and abolitionists.

Question: Who was James Buchanan?
Answer: The Democrats' nomination for election.

Question: Who was John C. Fremont?
Answer: The Republican's nomination for election.

Question: What did Dred Scott want?

Answer: Freedom

Question: Who was Abraham Lincoln's opponent in his debate?
Answer: Stephen Douglas

Section 4

Question: What was John Brown's raid?
Answer: when he took his men over the arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in hopes of starting a slave rebellion.

Question: What was the Constitutional Union Party?
Answer: A party that recognized "no political principles other than the Constitution of the country, the Union of the states, and the enforcement of the law.

Question: Who was John Bell?
Answer: Members of the Constitutional Union Party chose John Bell as their candidate for the Union.

Question: What did John J. Crittenden do?
Answer: He proposed a series of constitutional amendments.

Question: The now seceded south created the ________?
Answer: Confederate States of America


Question: What is popular sovereignty?
Answer: The idea that political power belongs to the people

Question: What is the Wilmont Proviso?
Answer: A document saying that slavery shall not exist in either part of the territory. (Mexican Cession)

Question: What is sectionalism
Answer: Favoring the interests of  one section over the interests of a country. 

What is the Republican Party?

Answer: A political party united against the spread of slavery in the west.

Question: Who was John C. Brecknridge?
Answer: The vice presidents, who supported slavery in the territories.