
Trojan War

Trojan War

Question: When did the Trojan War begin?
a) 800 BC
b) 808 BC

Answer: a) 800 BC, it had started in 800 BC

Question: When was Helen taken from Sparta?
a) 804 BC
b) 800 BC

Answer: a) 800 BC, Helen was taken from Sparta which had started the Trojan war.

Question: When was the Trojan Horse built?
a) 807 BC
b) 809 BC

Answer: b) 809 BC, it was used to attack on troy.

Question: When did the Greek army destroy Troy?
a) 808 BC
b) 810 BC

Answer: a) 810BC

Question: When did Achilles die?
a) 859
b) 809

Answer: b) 809 
Achilles dies by an arrow through his heal during the fall of troy.

Achilles dies by an arrow through his heal during the fall of Troy.

Trojan War 2

Question: Who was stolen from Sparta?
a) Helen
b) Hector

Answer: b) Helen was stolen from Sparta in 800 BC

Question: How did Achilles die?
a) an spear through the heart
b) arrow through the heal  

Answer: b) arrow through the heal during the fall of troy

Question: which goddess promised Paris the most beautiful women on Earth?
a) Aphrodite
b) Hera
c) Athena  

Answer: a) Aphrodite was the one who had promised Paris. 

Question: Who had visited Achilles in 806 BC
a) Priam
b) Agamemnon 

Answer: a) Priam

Question: Who was defeated in the Trojan war?
a) Sparta
b) Troy

Answer: b) Troy

Trojan War 3

Question: When did the Trojan war end? 
a) 810 BC
b) 811 BC

Answer: a) 810 BC was the year that the Trojan war ended.

Question: How is hector described?
a) Stunning and Strong
b) Noble and Brave

Answer: Noble and Brave

Question: Why does Agamemnon become angry?
a) He has to give the girl back
b) Because he is losing the war

Answer: He has to give the girl back.

Question: Why is this oath significant? 
Answer: Because Paris will try to take her way.

Question: What caused Zeus to finally enter the war?
a) he made a promise with Thetis
b) Zeus had to protect his people 

Answer: he made a promise to Thetis that he would avenge Achilles.

Trojan War 4

Question: Why was it not possible for Paris to have Helen without causing trouble? 
Answer: She's married Menelaus which is greek.   

Question: Who wounded Aphrodite?
a) Diomedes 
b) Hermes 

Answer: a) Diomedes was the one who had wounded Aphrodite.

Question: Who was the the leading hero on the Trojan side?
a) Hector 
b) Aphrodite 

Answer: a) Hector

Question: Who's judgement started the war?
a) Paris
b) Agamemnon

Answer: a) Paris was the one who had started the war

Question: Who was Paris's warrior partner?
a) Hector 
b) Hermes 

Answer: a) Hector

Trojan War 5

Question: Who came up with the idea of the Trojan horse?
a) Hector
b) Odysseus  

Answer: b) Odysseus

Question: Who did Diomedes kill?
a) Aeneas
b) Pandarus 

Answer: b) Pandarus was killed but Aeneas was wounded.

Question: What words were engraved on the Golden Apple?
a) to the fairest 
b) be noble 

Answer: a) to the fairest 

Question: When Paris died, who married Helen?
a) Apollo 
b) Deiphobus 

Answer: b) Deiphobus 

Question: Who killed Achilles? 
a) Paris
b) Hector

Answer: a) Achilles was killed by Paris after Hectors death