
Chapter 12 Jeopardy

Industrial Revolution

Question: At the beginning of the 1700s most of the people in the U.S. And Europe were what
Answer: Farmers

Question: What are textiles 
Answer: Cloth items

Question: What did Richard Arkwright invent?

Answer: The water frame

Question: What was Samuel Slaters disguised as when he immigrated to the United States?
Answer: As a farmer

Question: How did Eli try to solve some of the United States government?
Answer: By creating interchangeable parts and promise to make 10000 muskets 

Changes in Work Life

Question: What was Slaters strategy of hiring entire families called?
Answer: Rhode Island system

Question: Did the children have a hard time operating machinery?
Answer: No because the task were easy for the children to do

Question: What was the Lowell system based on?
Answer: Water powered textile mills that employed young, unmarried women from local farms.

Question: What did Lowell girls do?
Answer: The worked in the mills, unmarried and young

Question: Who was Sarah G. Bagley 
Answer: The strong voice in Union movement

Transportation Revolution

Question: What was the Clermont 
Answer: The fist full sized commercial steamboat

Question: How did the transportation revolution help transportation?
Answer: They helped people and goods travel rapidity and easier across the U.S. 

Question: When and where the first steam powered trains first developed?
Answer: In Great Britain in the early 1800s

Question: What did they used as a new fuel
Answer: Coal

Question: What became the primary product of New England 
Answer: Lumber items 

More Technological Advances

Question: What was the morse code?
Answer: Different combination of dots and dashes that represent each letter of the alphabet 

Question: When did morsel break come 
Answer: In the 1844 

Question: What did telegraph companies do?
Answer: They put poles around the country

Question: What were some of the inventions during he 1830s?
Answer: Safety pins and ice boxes

Question: Who invented the sowing machine? 
Answer: Elias Howe


Question: Why did young women want to work as Lowell girls?
Answer: The wanted to earn money and not work for their family

Question: Who was Isaac Singer?
Answer: A man that made improvements to the sewing machine

Question: What was Slatersville?
Answer: A town named after Slater

Question: Who was Slater's partner?
Answer: Smith Brown

Question: Who did Slater share his ideas with when he immigrated?
Answer: Moses Brown