

Industrial revolution

Question: What was Industrial revolution

Answer: A period of rapid growth in using machines

Question: What did Richard Arkwright did
Answer: He invented the water frame

Question: Why were there fewer factories on the United States 
Answer: Because people preferred to own a farm than to work on a factory

Question: What did Americans realized during the war
Answer: How dependent they were on imports

Question: How did mills got to the us
Answer: Through Slater, an England skilled merchant who memorized the designs of the mill and traveled to the us disguised of a farmer

Changes on working life

Question: Why many mill owner on the us couldn't find enough to people to work on their factories?
Answer: Because other jobs were available

Question: What were the 2 hiring systems 
Answer: Rhode Island system
Lowell system

Question: What were strikers
Answer: Workers on strike refused to work until employers meet their demands

Question: How much did Lowell girls received per week
Answer: From $2 to $4

Question: Explain the Rhode Island system
Answer: Men with growing families were wanted
Housing for the whole family
Credits at the company store
Easy job for children

The transportation revolution

Question: What was the transportation revolution
Answer: A period of rapid growth in the speed and convenience of travel

Question: Which were the 2 new ways of transportation
Answer: Steamboats and steam powered trains

Question: What did the new methods of transportation enable
Answer: Goods people and information to travel rapidly and efficiently across the United States 

Question: What did the clermont did on 1807
Answer: Traveled against the current up the Hudson River without trouble

Question: What did Peter cooper during the 1830s
Answer: Build a small but powerful locomotive: rom thump

More technology advances

Question: Who perfectioned the telegraph
Answer: Samuel F B Morse

Question: What was the telegraph
Answer: a device that send pulse of electric current through wires

Question: What system people used to communicate through the telegraph 
Answer: Morse code

Question: Who designed the steel plow
Answer: John Deere 

Question: Who first invented the sewing machine
Answer: Elias Howe


Question: define gibbons v. odgen

Answer: which reached the supreme court in 1824 the court reinforced the federal government´s authority to regulate trade between the states by ending monopolistic control over waterways in several states

Question: define clermont

Answer: the first full sized commercial steamboat

Question: strikes
Answer: workers on strike refused to work until employers meet their demands

Question: define interchangeable parts

Answer: parts of a machine that are identical

Question: define mass production

Answer:  the efficient production of large numbers of identical goods