
2016 Health Assessment


Question: How should you address your member ?
Answer: Proper titles ; Mr. / Mrs. and or First and Last Name. 

Question:  What should you inform the member that is mandatory, before you state the reason for the call ?
Answer: Our call is being recorded for quality control purposes.

Question: Why are we calling our members ?

Answer: As a follow up to the letter that was sent out.

Question: What is the purpose of the visit ?
Answer: To schedule a preventative wellness visit that will allow your health plan and all of your Healthcare Physicians to be on the same page with bridging any possible gaps in communication you may have in your medical files. 

Question: What will happen at the time of the visit ?
Answer: Review a series of in depth question regarding your past and present medical history, check your basic vitals (height, weight, blood pressure and pulse) and review any medications and or vitamin supplements you may be taking. 


Question: Is the Preventative Wellness Visit Mandatory ?
Answer: This is a benefit you're entitled just for being a member with your Health Plan .

Question: What is the point of the visit ? 
Answer: This is a preventive service for you in the future, bridging any possible gaps in communication between your Doctor and your Health Plan. This will provide a snap shot of your current health as a baseline for future visits.

Question: I don't want it .
Answer: I understand , May I ask why so I can make a note of that here for you?

*Please bear in mind that this is a yearly no cost preventative benefit to bridge possible gaps in communication as well as to provide a snapshot of your current health for future visits. If you change your mind, you can call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX and we will be happy to schedule for you. 

Question: Why can't you get this information from my Doctor ?
Answer: The questions are not routine questions normally asked at a doctor's visit, they're more in depth concerning your health and a copy of the information collected at this visit .

Question: I am a Nurse/ Physician. I know how to say health. 
Answer: That's great. Since you are a medical professional. you can appreciate the value of preventative health care and know that early diagnosis results in better outcomes and lower cost; which benefits you not only now , but also in the in the future.


Question: How long is the length of the visit ?
Answer: Typically the visit takes 30 - 45 minuets, However the provider is there as long as needed. 

Question: Does the visit cost ?
Answer: This visit is a benefit that you're entitled to at no cost or co-pay 

Question: If the member has not received the letter , what should you do ?
Answer: Verify members address , then proceed to explain the letter . 

Question: What is the format to when scheduling an appointment ? 
Answer: DATE , DAY , TIME 

Question: When recapping the visit what information would you provide ?
Answer: Provider Name and Title , Date, Day and Time , Verify address, reiterate special instructions and provide your Phone number & Ext. 


Question: Is this benefit new or different ?
Answer: This benefit was implemented a few years ago, which your entitled to for just being a member with your Health plan.

Question: My Doctor or Doctor's office said to say NO .
Answer: This visit is more you. This is a preventative visit focused more on patient education on prevention since early diagnosis results in better outcome and lower costs.  

Question: I am not sick .
Answer: That's great to hear you are not sick and this not to say that you are sick. This is a preventative visit where the results are meant to give you and your health care providers more information in supporting your wellness and managing your medical concerns. 

Question: I am able to get to the Doctor and I am healthy.
Answer: This is a proactive approach verses a reactive approach and its best to get a snap shot of your good health as a baseline, which will help identify any changes in your health to assist your Doctor in maintaining your wellness. 

Question: I don't want anyone in my home. 
Answer: I understand your concern, In today's world, we do have to be careful. Just to reassure you, the providers we work with are licensed and highly-trained. This benefit also allows you the opportunity to provide any feedback regarding your overall healthcare. 


Question: I use the V.A for my primary insurance. I don't really use this this insurance.
Answer: Thank you sir/ma'am for your service to our country. It's good you use the V.A to take care of your health care needs and your health plan doesn't want to take that away. This is a yearly no cost preventative benefit to provide a snapshot of your current health for future visits and to provide you with patient education to help you keep healthy between your doctor visits. 

Question: I am too busy.

Answer: I understand you have a busy schedule. Our providers are flexible and we are happy to work around your schedule. Was it the day or time that did not work for you ?

Question: Why are you recording me ?

Answer: This call is recorded to ensure I am giving you the correct information on this call. 

Question: Who are you? What is MEDXM ?
Answer: MedXM, we are contracted by varies health plan and medical groups to provide in home practitioner visits that are geared for capturing a member's health status and to provide patient education. 

Question: I see my Doctor regularly. 
Answer: This visit isn't intended to replace your doctor in anyway. We do work side by side with your doctor and health plan to provide any additional information to be more proactive with your health care.